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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Hey ladies! There are a lot things as college girls we worry about: health, weight, and feeling confident. Well I have just the place for you: BLOGILATES! Cassey Ho started her website (http://www.blogilates.com) and her YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/blogilates) to create a safe, fun, and supportive environment, to eat right, train hard, and love your body.

Her Pilates are exciting, but don’t take them lightly, those moves sure are hard. Miss Ho makes them look easy, but many male YouTubers and famous body trainers can’t even keep up with her in the videos when they guest star. However, don’t let this discourage you, she provides modified versions of the workouts so that all newcomers or any one just looking for a quick workout can participate.

Cassey Ho is all about eating clean. She posts up yummy and health conscious dishes with the recipes both on her website and on her channel.

She has her own workout clothing, yoga mat, workout bottle lines. (note that the yoga mats beow are not from her line although you can find them at this link: http://www.ogorgeous.com/pages/blogilates)

Her workout videos are both inspirational and goofy. Not to mention she uses a calender system that helps keep you on track. 


Cassey Ho is an accomplished woman and anyone willing to eat right and stay fit should definitely look into her channel and website. Happy hunting!

Hi All! My name is Kayla, I am a Sophomore at SCAD, studying Dramatic Writing and Creative Writing.