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Wellness > Mental Health

Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice (About You): A Guide to Self-Love and Growth

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Valentine’s Day. We either adore her, fantasize over what could be (Andrew Garfield, I’m waiting), despise her, or forget that it’s even a Holiday. But, whether or not you have a partner, I think we often neglect the ‘Greatest Love of All’, as expressed in Whitney Houston’s 1985 empowering tune; Self-Love. I’m here to offer you some reminders and advice to remain true to who you are because everyone deserves to feel loved this Valentine’s Day and beyond. 

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

I’m very self-critical, meaning that I’m hard on myself and constantly looking for ways to improve. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it sometimes distracts me from celebrating my progress. Achieving all that I have, personally and academically, there seems to be immense pressure to be better than I was or the desire to achieve something greater. “Okay, Now What?” is the question that pops in my mind following an achievement. I’ve learned to combat this attitude by validating myself, celebrating my progress, big and small, and above all else, by prioritizing gratitude to keep me grounded. 

Take a moment right now and appreciate all of the adversities, memories, and progress that have shaped you to be the warrior you are. Every situation can be seen as a gift – whether you choose to see it as such. Remember, there is no need to complete all of your goals in one day; you learn and grow so much more than you know when you remain present and when you learn to take it one step at a time. Don’t burn yourself out and don’t aim for perfection because it ceases to exist; just strive to do your best, and that is more than enough.

Focus On Your Path

The Comparison Game. Who’s guilty? *slowly raises hand*. I choose to admit this because I’m human, imperfect. At the end of the day, the race is long, and it’s with yourself. Allow me to emphasize the following: If you search for happiness elsewhere, it will never be where you are. It would be remiss to not acknowledge what we often don’t see throughout each of our stories: the hard-fought battles that occur within. Recognize how far you’ve come thus far on your journey. Your worth lies in the radiant, beautiful soul that you are. Growth lies in everything we have endured and accomplished, but mostly in those moments of adversity. When you focus on being better than you were yesterday in little ways, the results are game-changing. Mindset is everything. Remember, there is more than enough room for all of us to be great as we each bring something special to the table. Empower, uplift, and encourage those around you to shine bright as when we’re together, we are a sky full of exceptional stars.

Embrace What Ignites a Fire Within

What brings me the most joy is knowing that I’ve made a positive difference in one’s life – in both small and big ways. I’ve recognized the positive impact of expressing one’s passion, predominantly through my heavy involvement within the arts department at my high school. I’ve learned that the arts possess the ability to create a safe place for one to recognize that their inner battles are shared amongst others. The arts create a sense of community for one not to just express their true passions, but to strengthen and build confidence and heart to be themselves, unapologetically. I can say with absolute confidence that I wouldn’t have found my passion for leadership and the arts without asking myself every day: “What if it all goes right?”. The world is full of opportunities to explore and build your identity. Don’t doubt your abilities, take the risk, and do what you love, not what you think others want to see you doing. 

Don’t stress if you have yet to find what you’re passionate about or have no idea where your life is heading. The best things happen when you least expect them to, when you follow your heart and when you look at situations with a silver lining and opportunities for growth in all experiences. Life is about trying new things. When you know you’ve found the activity that ignites a fire within, you’ll just know. As vague as it is, it truly is a magical thing. You are your only limit!

Breathe, You’re Doing The Best You Can.

I’ve realized that one doesn’t need a huge platform or be titled a position to make a positive difference because we are all leaders in the way we choose to speak to one another, how we help one another, and the lengths that we choose to go in order to emphasize that mental health is on-going and applies to EVERYONE.

Take it one step at a time, be gentle with yourself and love in all you do. Celebrate how far you have come thus far and build a strong support system with family, friends and those you value and trust. You are unbelievably loved. No one is perfect, and we’re all truly learning and growing as these days go on! In the remarkable words of Rupi Kaur, “You do not just wake up and become the butterfly; growth is a process” and damn, you’re doing amazing. <3

✞ (She/Her) Hi everyone! My name is Giselle Castillejos and I am a First Year ‘Con-Eddie’ at Queen’s University. I am studying to become a Drama and English High School Teacher in the near future (fingers tightly crossed!) as one of my deepest passions is helping others with the hopes of making the world a kinder, more vibrant place, uplifting others, and hoping to inspire the next generation of learners. In the words of Hollywood’s most preeminent Directors, Martin Scorsese, when referring to any work of art, “The most personal is the most creative”. I engrave these words deep into my heart as it allows me to empathize with others, reminding me that authenticity fuels connectivity. I’m hoping that by using my voice, you, too, can find yours. 💙🎭🎶🌸🌎🇵🇭🍎