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5 Reasons You Should Use the CoRec

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

1. It’s good for your health

Having a regular workout regimen is important for your health, and the Corec is an especially great outlet because it provides a lot of different activities to do. Instead of doing push-ups and sit-ups in your dorm, you can work your muscles by bench pressing or using an ab machine. Additionally, there’s a variety of things you can do to work your muscles. If you only stick to one exercise, then you’re not hitting every muscle within that particular muscle group. For the best results, you should do different exercises that work out one muscle group, such as multiple arm or chest exercises.

2. You’re paying for it

The Corec staff took a survey of Purdue students and found that about 80% of students thought that they were paying under $20 per semester for the Corec’s services. This is incorrect. Of your tuition, $125 per semester goes toward the Corec.  By not going to the Corec, you waste $250 per year and as a college student, every dollar counts.

3. The staff is incredible

Not only do they greet you with a smile when you swipe in, but many of them are trained to help you work out. All employees more than happy to help you improve your form, find a new exercise, or spot you. The staff also provide a free fitness assessment and diet assessment. If you need any kind of help, all you have to do is ask for it!

4. It can benefit your social life

Do you have trouble committing to a workout schedule? Go with your friends! This is one of the best ways to hang out as well as do some good for your body. Studying may take up a lot of your time, but making a schedule to hit the gym with your buddies can make up for the lack of time you spend together! Plus, if you’re anything like me and rather stay in bed watching another episode of the Office, having a workout buddy is great motivation.

5. It’s a stress reliever

School can be stressful, and take a toll on our bodies and our minds. According to many psychologists, one of the best ways to treat mild depression is by exercising. Use those study breaks, to give your brain a break!  Additionally, exercising has been found to correlate with having better grades, so if you’re feeling stressed about a class, go to the gym to relieve some frustration.

Going to the gym isn’t always a priority for busy college students. Nevertheless, maintaining good physical health has many physical and academic benefits. Purdue has provided students with a state of the art facility, so whether you’re a novice weightlifter or an experienced fitness guru, the Corec has something for everyone. 

As a sophomore at Purdue University, Abi is pursing a psychology degree with a concentration in I/O Psychology. On campus, she is a writer for Her Campus Purdue, an active member of Zeta Tau Alpha, and the secretary for the Odin Finance Club. When she isn't spending time with her sisters or doing homework, you'll probably catch her binge-watching The Office or Parks and Recreation on Netflix, working the night-shift at First Street Towers, or obsessing over the latest fashion trends. Find her on Twitter and Instagram at @abicheerleader!
Jennifer Rowella is from Ridgefield, Connecticut. She is a junior at Purdue University studying Speech, Language, and Hearing sciences and is the Senior Editor of Her Campus Purdue. Jennifer enjoys reading, cooking, watching too many episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix, and being a part of various clubs on campus.