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5 Reasons To Add Yoga To Your Workout Routine

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Yoga is a very versatile exercise. It is perfect to add to the beginning, middle or end of your workout.

Below are five reasons why you should implement yoga into your weekly workouts.

Yoga is Gentle 

Yoga is a gentle workout. It is a great option for a cool-down at the end of a more intense workout.

Gentle exercises allow you to give your body a rest and stretch your muscles after more rigorous exercises. Because it is gentle, it can also be used by those with chronic pain or limited mobility.

For those with chronic pain, there are exercises like nesting pose and supported bound angle pose. These poses help relieve tension in areas like the chest and shoulders.

For those with limited mobility, yoga poses can be easily adapted to fit your needs. Single-leg mountain can be adapted by leaning against the wall for support, while a reclined pigeon pose is good for stretching your glutes if you have limited hip mobility.

Chair yoga is also a common way that yoga is adapted for those with limited mobility. This style of yoga adapts poses to be completed while sitting in a chair for extra support.

Yoga reduces stress 

According to a study done by Masoumeh Shohani from Ilam University of Medical Sciences, yoga was found to have an effective role in reducing stress, anxiety and depression. This stress reduction is crucial for college students.

With classes, homework, research and extracurriculars, our schedules are jam-packed. These constant responsibilities can sometimes cause stress.

Yoga can help reduce that stress through gentle and relaxing movements. Yoga can also be paired with meditation to relax your mind and body together.

Headspace has a student plan for $9.99 a year to pair your yoga practice with meditation at an affordable price. Colleges may also offer partnerships with certain mental wellness apps to offer free access to students.

For example, Penn State University College of Health and Human Development has partnered with Calm to provide free, 24/7 access to Calm Premium benefits like meditations and sleep stories to all Penn State students.  

Yoga can promote hormonal balance in women 

According to a study done by Mahin Kamalifard from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, yoga was found to significantly relieve PMS symptoms. Examples of these symptoms are mood swings, bloating and skin problems like acne.

The quality of life of women with PMS can increase when utilizing yoga to reduce symptoms. With the help of yoga, women can feel less pain during PMS.

According to Calm, yoga can also be used to reduce the pain of cramping during the menstrual cycle with poses that improve circulation to your abdominal muscles. 

Yoga can help lower instances of burnout 

In a study by Carrie Heeter of Michigan State University, yoga was found to lower burnout in hospice workers during the COVID-19 pandemic through heightening interoceptive awareness. Interoceptive awareness is the ability to notice internal signals and respond appropriately.

Yoga can help your body notice signs of burnout and take steps to reduce that burnout through rest and relaxation with poses like child’s pose and easy pose.  

Yoga can build strength 

Strength from yoga comes from building muscle endurance. According to John Hopkins Medicine, holding a yoga pose can build strength.

By using yoga, you can build endurance for other exercises like cardio or weightlifting. Through this, you can build a well-balanced workout. 

I hope these reasons inspired you to add a dose of relaxation through yoga to your workout routine.

Veronica Figg is a Sophomore at Penn State University with a major in Criminology and a minor in English. She is a student in the Schreyer Honors College. She has been writing since she was young. When she isn't in class you can find her in the library curled up with a good book or working on her second novel.