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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

One of the many toxic ideas that have been around forever is that of “hustle culture.” There’s a lot of pressure to constantly be completing tasks, doing work and being productive. I’m (frequently) guilty of ignoring the signs that my body needs a break because I felt guilty for letting myself rest. I felt like I was being unproductive and lazy. It can even feel scary to take much-needed time for yourself. But trust me, it’s totally worth it. I’m going to be going over some of the physical, mental and emotional signs that your body needs a break. Some of these may seem obvious, but bear with me. We all need a reminder sometimes!

1. You’re always tired

When I’m burnt out, I’m always absolutely exhausted. Even if I get a full night’s sleep! I take this as a sign that my body physically needs me to take it slower than usual. As a college student, I know that it’s easy to treat sleep deprivation with a strong cold brew. But trust me, this isn’t the time. Give yourself some much needed rest whenever you can.

2. You Don’t Enjoy things as much as you used to

It really sucks when the things that once brought you joy now feel like a chore. If you feel like you’ve lost passion in everything, even the stuff that you really loved to do, it’s a clear sign that your body needs a break. The sooner you listen to the signs and rest, the sooner you will feel good enough to jump back into it!

3. You’re irritable and little things set you off

Sadly for the people around me, I tend to lash out at people when I’m burnt out. This is yet another important reason why you should take a break, not just for yourself but the people around you!

4. You have no motivation to do anything

This is a big one for me. In the past when I have needed a break, I would try to ignore the signs and push through. The problem is, I would simply have no motivation left. Instead of beating yourself up, be compassionate with yourself and take this time to recharge. You will come out of it refreshed and ready to go!

5. You get sick very easily

There is a huge mind-body connection. Your body is super receptive to stress, and your immune system is impacted by it. Living in college dorms (which are literal petri dishes of germs and sicknesses), your immune system is already working hard to keep you healthy. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a break so that you are physically well!

I cannot stress the importance of prioritizing your well-being enough. I know that it’s easier said than done but try not to worry about what you see on social media about “hustle culture” and being “that girl.” You’re not being selfish, you’re not being unproductive and you’re definitely not being lazy. You’re being good to yourself, and that’s something to be proud of!

Julia is a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh studying Media and Professional Communications with a minor in Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies. She loves to go thrifting, grab a coffee with friends, and go on walks with her dog!