This year the world has talked a lot about what working, and studying from home looks like. How do we still partake in activities and groups? Will interacting with friends be meaningful? How to step away from the computer and being burned out from Zoom and tech?
But another topic is how do we keep home, home, and stop work, school, activities, etc from entering what is meant to firstly be your safe haven?
It took me a while this semester to realize that I am owed my own personal time. And now I protect it fiercely. I figured out three ways to keep the outside world’s hands off my freetime.
1. Schedule Your Off Hours
These are the hours where basically you’re off the clock. If you have homework you have to do that’s fine, handle what is already on your plate, but basically during these hours I don’t answer texts unless they’re from people I want to talk to, or it’s an emergency.
It doesn’t make you a bad or irresponsible person to say: not now.
2. Find an Activity That is Just to Reax
It can be a tv show, baking, or even taking a bath, but when you’re doing it you are taking a break from the world even your friends and family. A text message or phone call won’t disappear, but you will become burned out if you are giving your everything 24/7.
3. Take Your Bedtime, and Morning Routine Seriously
You don’t need to engage with your emails and messages right before you go to sleep or right when you wake up. Take some time to wind down or get ready, saving a little time for yourself is a kindness you deserve.