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Getting Zen: The Benefits of Enjoying a Mindful Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

In this crazy, fast-paced world we live in, it can become easy to get distracted by cell phones, computers, and social media. Sometimes it gets to the point where we forget that the world is still spinning and there are more important things in life than a “like” on a picture we post. When was the last time you unplugged and went on a walk in the sunshine? Do you take the time to treat your body with respect, eat healthy, and do some yoga? How often do you write in a journal and get your thoughts on paper in order to comprehend your feelings? We all lead very busy lives, but it’s just as beneficial for us to take the time to get zen and become mindful.

Being mindful teaches you patience, which is an incredible quality to have in a world going at hyper-speed. Mindful moments are essential for processing new information and ideas. When you are constantly anxious and demanding that things be taken care of immediately, your stress levels increase and addiction to immediate gratification leads to depression when you become disappointed by an outcome. Perhaps the process of waiting is just what we all need. When we take the time to wait and reflect on WHY we are waiting, we can better understand our personal goals and the reason why we want a specific outcome to come about. Patience can deter you from making rash decisions, something that our generation has gotten into the habit of doing.

When people say “mindfulness”, you might instantly think of sitting on a pillow with your hands on your knees, palms up, and meditating to soft music. The truth is, mindful practices don’t need to elicit boredom. In fact, the Buddhist principle of Zen can be found in music, landscapes, drinking tea, gardening, and calligraphy. Those all sound like a pretty good time! Participating in these practices helps you to accept reality and become closer to the realness of what is happening in your life.

Did you know that yoga and other similar practices impact the way we age? Research has proven that yoga and mindfulness greatly reduces the fraying of telomeres. This is the part of our DNA that’s related to aging. Isn’t that incredible?! The science of epigenetics explains our ability to influence our DNA – and if you didn’t know, our DNA is not completely fixed. Our genes are influenced by the environment we enter into. We can alter our DNA with food, exercise, meditation, community engagement, love, and self-expression. When we participate in healthy practices like deep breathing and healthy eating consistently, our genes will begin to respond to stressful situations in a more positive manner. As we age, it’s beneficial for us to play instruments, read a lot of books, and study new subjects. These are all considered mindful practices. So essentially, being mindful doesn’t require a gym membership or spending much money. All it requires is consistent effort and taking at least 5-10 minutes out of your busy schedule (which isn’t difficult at all).

Another really simple practice that literally washes stress away is taking a shower. The practice of completely immersing your body in water (whether that be in the shower, in the ocean, or just washing your face before bed) awakens the consciousness of certainty. Often a warm shower gives us the time to think about our past, present, and future. It’s “me time” that you can never go wrong in taking part in. I’m not encouraging you to waste resources, but take an extra 5 minutes for your next shower and just repeat your thoughts over and over in your mind. You will be able to see what’s causing you stress and your mind will draw attention to words that either uplift you or make you cringe. Forget the negative, focus on the positive, and remember that this time for yourself is crucial in growing as a person.

Taking an extra bit of time during your day to be mindful truly has some major health benefits. Not only does it slow down aging, but it gives you the time to reflect and release stressful thoughts. Once these stressful worries are off your mind, you’ll be ready to have an excellent day. I wish you the best of luck in your practice! Cheers!


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Well hi there! My name is Madelyn, and I'm a freshman at the University of Notre Dame majoring in Pre-Medicine and Romance Languages. I'm a lover of all things fashion and beauty, and it's my dream to intern with a magazine one day. You can catch me perusing Vogue, singing in the Opera, dancing with Troop ND, boxing for exercise, and obsessing over anything pink. I hope you can find something lovely in my articles that sticks with you! Cheers!! XO