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Self-Care Tips To Take In During Stressful College Days

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

As the semester comes crashing down on us, we often tend to find ourselves constantly stressed. College students have a tendency to over-work themselves by being involved in too many extracurriculars and working hard to get good grades. However, it’s important to take care of oneself in order to feel and act like the best version of ourselves.

Here’s the perfect guide with self-care ideas that can help you unwind and relax at the end of a stressful college week!



Although this may seem a bit cliche and cheesy, it can be a great way to reflect on your day. Personally, I enjoy writing down my high’s and lows for the week. It’s an excellent way for me to express myself and clear my mind. Writing down personal goals and accomplishments is also a great way to track our progress and self-growth over time.

Spa Night:

Now, this is a must! If you’ve been busy with schoolwork and have barely had time to shower, then pampering yourself is the way to go! Do something that relaxes you like taking a long, hot shower. If you want to go all out, Bath & Body Works offers some incredible aromatherapy scents that you can use in the shower. It can even be as simple as doing a face mask or painting your nails at the end of a stressful week.

Indulge in some Comfort Food:

Treat yo’ self! Celebrate all your accomplishments of the week with your favorite treat, whether it be Ben & Jerry’s from GQ or a sundae from The Utter Bar! Getting off campus is also a great way to de-stress because you can allow yourself to be surrounded by a new, exciting environment. Trust me, we sometimes all need a break from the “muhlenbubble” that we live in on campus.

Clean Your Space:

Now, although this may not be for everyone, cleaning is something I enjoy doing as a form of self-care. Cleaning my room helps me feel more organized and sets an overall better mood for me to thrive in.

Reach out to your loved ones:

Spend time with your friends and family! Plan a small outing with your friends to get off campus, or stay in and watch a movie. Being with good company always allows me to forget my worries. Calling your loved ones back home is also a great way to de-stress. Personally, I enjoy calling my mom to catch her up on my life while away at college. Remember, being alone is perfectly okay as well. We don’t always get alone time in college, as we are constantly surrounded by our peers. Thus, take time for yourself, and enjoy it!


Yanet Ocampo
