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Three Tips to Keep In Mind When Signing Up for Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

The leaves have (mostly) fallen off the trees, the sun is setting at 5 p.m., and skipping lectures is getting more and more tempting. You know what that means- it’s time to schedule next semester’s classes! Curating your schedule can be a stressful and confusing process, and sometimes things can’t work out the way you want them to. Here is some advice to keep in mind when going about planning your spring semester classes.

Meet with your advisor

University degree requirements can get pretty tricky to figure out on your own, which is exactly what your advisor is there to help you with. From clarifying which classes will best fit your needs to making sure you graduate on time, meeting with your advisor is a must when creating your schedule.

Try to fit a fun elective into your schedule

Universities usually have a load of random, fun courses that might spark your interest. From paddleboarding to pottery, adding a fun class just for you can be a great way to branch out, try new things, and take advantage of some of the great opportunities that college offers. If you have extra room in your schedule, make sure to consider adding some fun to your weekly routine!

Don’t bite off more than you can chew

I know it’s tempting to try to grind out as many credits as you can in one semester – but college is created in order for you to take just the right amount of time without having to overdo it. Even if you’re a double major (like me!) and have to take more credits than the usual student, make sure you aren’t blindly adding on too many classes at once. Don’t burn yourself out!

College is a time to learn, experience new things, and have fun. Creating your schedule to meet your needs will allow you to do all three of these. So take a deep breath, schedule an advising appointment, and remember why you’re here!

MSU Contributor Account: for chapter members to share their articles under the chapter name instead of their own.