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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


*Trigger warning*


You can’t see she’s there.

And most of the time I forget she’s there too

but only because she decides to stay hidden.


You’ll catch a glimpse of her when I’m looking in the mirror

too long 

and the only thing that begins to look back is a morphed body

wrapped in a gown of blades.


She’ll hint at her constant existence with every wince

that follows a compliment or

every awkward “thank you”

because denying it will only mean talking about it further.


I watch her seep through my skin every time

the shorts aren’t high enough or 

the glasses accentuate the bridge too much

or the hair doesn’t match the magazines.


She’ll always be there…

It’s nothing you did and nothing I did.

It’s nothing you can fix and it’s nothing I can fix.

A disease like her can be helped but can’t be cured…

She can be lost but not killed…

She can show mercy but never forgiveness and so


She’ll always be there.

Inas is studying neuroscience and minoring in peace and justice at Michigan State University. When not stressing over the next exam, she'll be writing poetry, dancing, or cooking.
MSU Contributor Account: for chapter members to share their articles under the chapter name instead of their own.