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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

If you’re anything like me, getting sent home mid-March was nothing more than an extension to summer vacation. Learning went out the window even though classes were still running at full speed for another two months, and being stuck in quarantine — although extremely frustrating — did nothing more than exacerbate my Netflix addiction. 

Looking back, living on campus and the routine cultivated by an in-person semester is not something I appreciated enough. While I often found myself being torn apart by the rigors of a full course load and extracurriculars, I found myself thoroughly enjoying the perks of campus life at the same time. 

Now, after our prolonged summer vacation, it’s time to snap back into school mode. Here are a few things that the professionals say work, so let’s try them out together and see if they work in these uncertain times:

  1. Organize yourself! This may seem like typical advice, but seriously, do it! Making lists and schedules, making your workspace neat and dividing chores are so important to being able to maintain some semblance of sanity during this time.

  2. Reach out! Begin introducing yourself to professors and a few classmates in each class, and reach out to employers and mentors. Brush up on materials as early as you can and save yourself some stress in the classroom ahead of time.

  3. Don’t procrastinate! It’ll be easy to push things back all the time right now, but again, save yourself some stress. Ask yourself if it’s really worth it to down three Monsters every night in order to prepare for this new lifestyle. No? That’s what I thought. Bottom line: do NOT procrastinate.

This semester is bound to be unusual and the new normal keeps the majority of students from experiencing college like a typical student. However, following a few hacks that are overstated but underrated can make this atypical experience a little more bearable.

I'm a pre-medical student attending Michigan State University, with hopes of becoming a physician in the future. I love to spend time with family and friends, cook and bake, draw, and read in my free time.
MSU Contributor Account: for chapter members to share their articles under the chapter name instead of their own.