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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Did you know that 8 weeks of meditation can actually alter the structure of the brain? It’s true! Harvard studies have shown that meditation builds upon parts of the brain responsible for learning, memory and emotional regulation while decreasing parts that control stress and anxiety. No wonder it’s becoming increasingly popular! Anxiety, depression, stress, sleep, self-awareness, compassion, aggression, focus – the list goes on,are all affected by meditation. That being said, I recently decided to meditate every day for 2 weeks, and I’ll never look back. I strongly encourage everyone to do the same!

What Is Meditation?

Essentially, meditation is the process of focusing on your breath and being aware of when your mind wanders. The main focus is to be present, aware and mindful. Meditation isn’t hard to do, but it takes practice. The more you practice, the more you’ll notice the benefits. Even dedicating just 5 minutes a day helps.

How To Start

Simply focus on your inhales and exhales – that’s the easiest way to start. Once your mind begins to drift, gather your focus back to your breath. As someone who’s still a beginner meditator, I heavily rely on guided meditations that walk you through the meditation process. I find apps like Headspace and Aura to be super helpful with their wonderful range of guided meditations. YouTube is always a reliable option as well.

My Experience

I have anxiety and that’s the main reason why I decided to take up meditation. While meditating on more of a regular basis, I’ve noticed that it not only helps ease my worries, but I’m also focusing better, more self-aware and can handle stressful situations more effectively. I want to continue to make meditation part of my daily routine because there are so many more benefits that can come from it if I keep practicing.

Why You Should Do It Too

You can’t go wrong with meditation! Even if you don’t have anxiety, aren’t currently stressed, have a kind soul, don’t have trouble sleeping, etc., it can’t hurt to practice. It’ll better prepare you for dealing with any of these situations in the future, and it’ll make you feel good overall! I believe if everyone made meditation a priority, the world would be a more balanced and kind place!

Kayla is a senior at Montclair State University, majoring in Communication and Media Arts. She is a beauty and fashion fanatic with hopes of working in the Beauty Industry after college. She has a knack for fine arts, enjoys writing, and is a dedicated yogi.
Lauren Clemente recent graduate from Montclair State University who studied Communication and Media Arts. She held the role of President and Co-Campus Correspondent, as well as Editor-in-Chief at Her Campus Montclair. She loves all things to do with content creation, fashion + beauty and traveling the world.