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7 Ways To Stay Healthy During The Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.


With holiday spirit in the air, we’re all getting very excited for our month-long break! However, we need to remember to stay healthy because that’s the only way we can truly enjoy the holiday season. With that said, HC Montclair has compiled a list of seven ways we can all stay healthy and start the new year on the right foot. Check them out below!

Drink water. We all love to drink hot cocoa, apple cider, and if you’re of age, a fancy little drink. We have to remember to drink water because that is the best way to stay hydrated. We’re not saying that you can’t enjoy a cup of cocoa during the holiday season, but you should definitely try to add a cup of water during your day as much as you can.

Practice portion control. With all the yummy food at the dinner table, it’s hard to control ourselves! If you know that you want to try everything, try not to take big portions of each food. If you struggle with portion control, try to eat with your somtach and not your eyes so that you know when you are full.

Avoid eating late at night. Everyone’s asleep and you can smell the leftovers from your bed. You’re so tempted to go to the kitchen and get a snack – but don’t do it. Eating right before bed is never a good idea because it takes hours for your body to digest your food. If you fall asleep, it will sit in your stomach all night.

Do some jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are something easy that you can do without going to the gym. It’s important to try to get your heart racing a little faster than normal whenever you can to burn some calories.

Try abdominal workouts. Working your abs is another thing you can do without a gym membership! Find a nice spot on the floor and lay a blanket down along with a cushion and get going. If you’re not used to them, start the workouts slow. Remember, every little bit counts.

Go for brisk walks. A nice, brisk walk is a great way to get a little exercise in. Maybe after dessert you can go with your whole family. If you walk with your family after dinner, you’ll be working out and spending quality time with them. Double win!

Meditate. Let’s admit it; As much fun as the holiday season is, it can be extremely stressful as well. Buying gifts for loved ones, running errands, decorating, traveling, working – the list goes on and on. Taking ten minutes to meditate a day will for sure keep you stress-free! While meditating, focus on yor breathing and find your happy place.

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Jennifer is a Feature Writer for Her Campus Montclair and a junior at Montclair State University. Jennifer is majoring in nutrition with a concentration in dietetics with a biology minor. She absolutely loves to write and dance and enjoys expressing her creativity through writing and dancing! She recently began practicing yoga and she loves it very much. Jennifer hopes to become a Registered Dietitian and one day write for a health & fitness magazine. Health is very important to Jennifer and she wants to share her love of health and fitness with the world!