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New Year, New You: 5 New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Take 2017 by Storm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

It’s the beginning of the new year, and as an annual tradition, it’s time to come up with New Year’s resolutions you can keep for the next twelve months. For those of you who haven’t decided on yours yet, here’s a list of some resolutions that will be sure to improve your daily life. Pick one, pick them all — as long as you commit, you won’t be disappointed.

  • Less Netflix, More Reading

As easy and tempting as it is to push that “next episode” button, stop yourself. Netflix can be a great stress reliever, and with so many new shows already airing this year, it’s hard to stay away. But try and put some of that time you spend binge watching your favorite shows into reading something. When was the last time you read a book that wasn’t your textbook? Choose a book you’ve been wanting to read for a while and make time in your schedule to fit it in. Make goals and try fitting in one chapter a day.

  •  Find an Aggressive Gym Buddy

Key word being aggressive. Let’s face it, you want to go to the gym, workout and be healthy but you just don’t have the self-motivation to get yourself there. Enter: gym buddy. Tell one of your gym-going friends to text you every time she’s going to the gym so that you can join. Specifically tell her not to take no for an answer because you need someone who will push you when you won’t push yourself. Trust me, it will work and you will thank yourself for it.

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff

As we get back into our school routines, it’s easy to let little things build and build until you feel like you are going to explode. What is important to keep in mind is the big picture. Focusing on success too attentively can lead you to have this tunnel vision that doesn’t let you take a step back and really take in what is going on. Try not to let little things bother you, and if you’re known to let that happen, be proactive! Make an appointment with a counselor or find another supportive outlet (friend, parent, sibling, etc.) so that you can stay feeling in control this semester. 

  • Plan, Plan, Plan

Buy a calendar, daily planner, and sticky notes. Make goals for yourself everyday so you feel like your accomplished something. Even plan time to see your friends! Once things get busy, it’s hard to make time for everything you want to do. Be organized so that you can manage your time accordingly.

  •  Self Care

The best thing you can do for yourself. Self care comes in many forms and practices. It can be as easy as going to bed a half hour early so you get that full 8 hours, or taking a long, hot bubble bath while listening to your favourite Beyonce songs. When life gets busy, we forget to put ourselves first — I know I’ve been guilty of that on several occasions. Remember this year to stop and treat yourself once in a while. Do things that make you happy just because they do in that moment. 



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