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10 Ways to Actually Keep your Gym Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

This January, you likely made the same New Year’s resolution you’ve been making for the past three years. So, when your friends ask what you’re going to improve this year, you automatically say “working out more.”  Maybe that gym pass you had for a month just never got used, so you gave up and gave in to the temptation of laziness. 

Here’s how to stay motivated and acheive your goals.

1) Make a reasonable goal. 

Saying that you will try to lose 20 pounds in a week just isn’t realistic. If it were, gym memberships would all expire after a month. Just remind yourself that baby steps are better than no steps at all. 

2) Create a routine. 

Have a workout schedule that you can easily make time for, but that also won’t leave you feeling rushed or exhausted. Start out with going to the gym once or twice a week. That isn’t a bad thing. It will help your body transition to the change in lifestyle and keep you looking forward to your next workout sesh. 

3) Find a workout buddy.

This doesn’t mean calling up that one friend who you know eats just as much ice cream as you. Choose someone that will stick with the plan and that you can rely on, even if that means waking up at six in the morning because that’s the only time that fits both of your schedules. In the end, it will be rewarding for both of you, and you’ll have someone to take cute #fitnessgoals pictures with. 

4) Keep yourself motivated.

Don’t give up if you find one machine or workout too hard. Keep pushing towards your goal. Constantly remind yourself that you can do it! Just do it!

5) Make healthy eating choices.

It will be hard at first, but once you start eating healthier and making better choices, you’ll no longer crave the bad foods you once relied on so much. Just remember, you can choose a healthier food option at just about any resturaunt you go to. Yes, even fast food places. 

6) Buy cute gym clothes…

Shopping for all of those cute leggings and sports bras will make you feel better about looking sweaty after a tough workout. It will also give you a reason to buy more clothes, which is always a plus. 

7) …and all of the matching accessories

If you have those cute leggings, you’re going to need to buy the matching shoes. And the matching yoga mat. Definitely the yoga mat. 

8) Track your progress.

Make sure you’re staying on track to meet your fitness goals. Even if you’re not exactly where you want to be, take a moment to realize how far you’ve already come. Don’t give up. 

9) Reward yourself.

It’s okay to have a cupcake or a piece of pizza every once in a while. Go ahead, you deserve it! Just make sure you don’t skip out on your workout the next day.

10) Just have fun.

In the end, you’re doing this for you and your own well-being. Don’t stress about it too much or kick yourself when you didn’t get something right the first time. Remember, there’s always tomorrow. 

I am a freshman in Fashion Merch. I currently run my personal blog (The Brooklyn Script) and have always loved writing and blogging. I am also on hall council and a member of FSO. I am from Columbus, OH.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.