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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

1. “Is it always this crowded or did I come during workout rush hour?”

2. “Half an hour on the elliptical won’t be that bad! I can totally manage that!”

3. “No. No I can’t. It’s been five minutes and I’m already dying.”

4. “Why does that girl on the treadmill look like a Victoria’s Secret angel? She’s not even sweating—she’s glowing.”

5. “Okay, I’m starting to get the hang of this. Maybe I should do more than thirty minutes! I could be on this machine for an hour!”

6. “Nope. Just kidding. Dying again. Thirty minutes is my limit.”

7. “Hot boy alert over by the weight machines. Remind me why I never come to the gym?”

8. “Is the girl next to me looking at how many calories I’ve burned? Keep your eyes to yourself, nosey.”

9. “Okay finally done. Good job, me. Since I worked out I should probably have a salad for dinner.”

10. “…and a bunch of cookies for dessert. I deserve a reward.”

Junior SMAD major and Creative Writing Minor. Lover of Taylor Swift, copious amounts of coffee, and liquid eyeliner.
Aleixka has a B.A. in Media Arts and Design and a minor in Spanish from James Madison University. She loves all things books, traveling, food, and photography.