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Health & Fitness: 4 Tips to get your Butt to the Gym

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

After hours of classes, studying and tests, the last thing on your mind is working out. Exercising is not only good for your physical health, but also your mental health. No matter how many times someone says this, I still find myself having a hard time getting to the gym especially, when the weather starts getting cold. Here are four useful tips for my fellow, lazy Collegiettes to get yourself out of bed and onto the elliptical (or treadmill if you’re feeling ambitious.)

1.   Reward Yourself

The first step to take when working out is to think about a present you can give yourself when you are done working out. Although my first go-to would be rewarding myself with food, you should stay away from that and choose a nap instead. And face it, we could all use more sleep in college. Later that night, you could even get by with ordering insomnia cookies since you worked out earlier that day.

2.   Think About the After Effects

Think about how you will feel once you’re done lifting those weights. When I finish a good workout, I usually feel unstoppable and want to tell everyone how proud I am of myself. Not only does working out make you happy, but also when you are done, you feel extremely proud of yourself. It boosts your mood, lowers risk of depression, improves sleep and reduces stress. What could be better? We all like to look at ourselves in the mirror, and you always feel more confident when you had just come back from the gym.

3.   Hot Guys Lifting

This third tip should defiantly get you out of your bed. Although we usually don’t look our best while working out, it’s always nice to look at something beautiful to motivate you. Lets face it, who doesn’t enjoy watching guys lift weights without shirts on? Who knows, maybe you’ll find your own campus cutie while hitting the gym!

4.   Withholding Showering

If the above steps don’t work, this is sure to get you up and on your way to the gym. When feeling super lazy, I like to tell myself that I am not allowed to shower until I exercise. This step always forces myself to get up and hit the gym (especially if I am planning on going out that night and in need of a shower.) Whether it’s walking on the treadmill, going on the elliptical, running or punching a bag, any type of exercise makes a difference.