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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

I would wake up and dread getting out of bed, despise my walk to class, and get bored of the
same coffee I drank every morning. My day would go as usual and it felt as if the time would blur
into nothingness without any moments of significance. I resented this because how could a
world and life so full of wonderful things be insignificant? Then one day, I was scrolling through
TikTok and found a video that changed my perspective.

I stumbled upon a video made by @radandsadmads which detailed how she and her friends
participate in something known as Lucky Girl Syndrome. Lucky Girl Syndrome is taking a
picture of the best part of your day or a simple joy, either for yourself or to send to friends. By
snapping these pictures you are actively seeking out the positive aspects of your day rather than
looking at the negatives. Every time I feel that I am lucky to be living a life that offers me such
wonders and delight, I take a picture in a way that feels most authentic and upload it to my Close
Friends story on Instagram.

I think it is sometimes difficult to find positives in a day, especially while at college. Sometimes
days spent in the library, waking up for your 8 A.M. class, or even just a slow Sunday can make
you feel stuck in a cycle of never-ending days. However, by taking the time to notice these small
joys and physically taking a picture of them, you are reminded of all the great things in your life.
Once I started participating in the Lucky Girl Syndrome trend I started to feel that I was
breaking out of this cycle of what felt like despair. I began to feel the sun on my face, the joy of a
good cup of coffee, or the spark of imagination as I cracked open a new book.

Life moves in such a fleeting way that it does not bode well to spend the day without rejoicing in
the little things life has to offer. Not all of your moments will feel particularly lucky and that is
okay. I think it is a good thing to experience the bad or not particularly great moments because
when those sparks of luck come towards you, you will begin to appreciate them more. Humans
are not meant to be happy all of the time and that is honestly a beautiful thing, to get to
experience such a wide range of emotions is such a wonderfully human thing to do. So, when
your day seems to be running away from you, stop for a moment and look around you, feel all of
the emotions you are feeling, and begin to search for your moment of luck.

As you get out of bed tomorrow, make sure to turn your head towards the sun, take in a breath of
spring air, take a picture of your Lucky Girl Syndrome, and relish the fact that we get to
experience such wonderful, simple moments of pleasure every day.

Emma Weiss

Holy Cross '26

Emma Weiss is a current Sophomore at Holy Cross, but she is originally from Michigan. She is a Political Science major with minors in Environmental Studies and Creative Writing. In her free time, she loves to explore Pinterest, make playlists, and drink coffee!