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Self-Care Sunday: Chicken Soup for the Soul Day!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Welcome back to Self-Care Sunday!

This Sunday is all about mindfulness as it is National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day! This day is to celebrate you: where you’re going, where you’ve been, and all the things you hope to be. Every person has a story, and today’s a day for reflection and inner peace. Give your heart a little healing today or, in other words, make some chicken soup for your soul! Here’s one way how:

Oprah has teamed up with Deepak Chopra to bring us a free (yes, free) 21-day Meditation Experience called “Making Every Moment Matter”. This program aims to connect us to the more important things in life and slow us down from the busy world we live in.

As collegiate women today, we’re constantly asked to do more and more to earn just half of what a man can receive doing 50% less. The constant societal pressures can become a burden, and we forget about our mental health in the process. What we need to remember most of all is that the path we’re on isn’t just about the diploma, it’s about all the small moments along the way as well.

Being a (beginner) yogi myself has taught me a lot about the value of being in touch with your own body and letting go of unnecessary negative energy. While I’ve never tried meditation, I do believe in the practice as a way to take just 10 minutes of “selfish” time per day, to allow yourself to recognize your stressors and let them go.

So, you can take this program or leave it, but keep in mind that the easiest way to practice self-care is to give yourself a break. We all deserve a little quiet time every day, and the most important thing that I’ve learned about college is to be present in every moment. This Sunday forward, I’m going to follow the Oprah and Deepak program to try and practice what I preach. If you want to join me, here is the link:


If not, this is your Sunday reminder that you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you will move mountains. If you’re not meditating, give yourself just 10 minutes today to take a deep breath, eat some chocolate, and watch something hilarious (I love Iliza Shlesinger’s Netflix Special: Freezing Hot). Give your soul a little chicken noodle soup.

Check out our Snapchat today to see me go for day one of “Making Every Moment Matter”!

Madison Mento is a senior at Hofstra University and is majoring in Public Relations with minors in Spanish and Photography. She is a writer, artist, activist, and avid ginger. She likes her coffee iced, her pizza hot, and anything to do with beauty. She is currently the Co-President of Her Campus Hofstra and loves the organization!