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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! This week was a busy one and it ends in travel which is always fun, but it screwed up my workout schedule BIG TIME. I still got in the amount of exercise in that I wanted for the week (at least 3 days) but I was so busy planning, working, and getting things done that it was a little wild. Club soccer also started up, so that threw a wrench in my usual workout plans too but it’s nothing that a little tweaking couldn’t fix. So let’s dive into my week in fitness! 

Here’s me this week in a sportbra from Nike, and leggings from Forever21  


My Workouts by Day:

TUES– 2 hr soccer practice (mostly cardio)

WED: 15 min elliptical, 10 min stretch, 10 min squats on Smiths machine (5 sets, 10 reps 110lbs), 10 min stairmaster ALL at gym, 30 min yoga abs via YouTube

THURS:  30 min cardio, 10 min abs, ALL at gym 


Like I mentioned earlier, I am traveling this weekend, so there will be no workouts on Friday. (sad face) I made up for this by doing the ab routine that I usually do on its own, right after I did leg day at the gym. Nonetheless, I was extremely tired this week from the combination of the huge shift in my schedule (all of these workouts were at night, rather than my usual morning gym grind) starting my new job as a tutor, and trying to get extra work done so I can relax on my trip this weekend! Despite being the busiest of bees this week, I had a lot of fun running around and I made the effort to stay positive and embrace the workload. Somehow, I still managed to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. (go me) I also drank at least 8 glasses of water a day, and only had 2 cups of regular coffee.

As far as mental health goes, things were pretty good this week, given that I was on my period, a time where I am super sensitive and emotional because it’s a struggle. I recently started seeing a therapist and I am so glad that I decided to do this because it really helps to speak to a professional about the things that bother you, whether or not you struggle with mental illness. I have already learned some coping techniques that I apply to my everyday life and I can see how it has positively effected me and prevented me from becoming over stressed. I was so busy, but I did not have any panic attacks or stomach aches from stress. I maintained a positive attitude throughout the week, and to be quite honest, I missed being busy. 


Fitstagram of the Week:


Photo By likeagirl_fitness via Instagram

This is Jillian! (and her pup Chief) She is a spunky yogi who marches to the beat of her own drum while slaying the fitness game. Follow her on Instagram!


Gym Must-Have for the Week:

KOR water bottle

Photo By korwater via Instagram

I’ve had my eye on this water bottle for a while (I have a major obsession with bottles and mugs) and I am in LOVE with the chrome version. It looks so sleek and would definitely match any workout attire you have!


Healthy Treat of the Week:

Polar seltzers

Photo By polarseltzer via Instagram

These have been my obsession for the past couple of weeks. These all-natural seltzers have no sugar or sodium and taste so fresh and delicious! This is a great alternative for someone who likes sodas or other sugary drinks.


That’s it for this week everyone, thank you for reading. Have a good weekend, and don’t forget to love yourself!


DISCLAIMER: I am in NO way a fitness professional or a nutritionist, I just put a big focus on health and nutrition in my life and want to share what works for me.


Gia Tims

Hofstra '20

Gia is a double major in journalism and Italian at Hofstra University. She is obsessed with yoga, pugs, Friends and Target runs. Gia loves writing and hopes to live in NYC one day to fulfill her dream of becoming a journalist! Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @giatims