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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.


Even before we were all stuck at home, exercising was a chore. Even at school, with the gym a ten minute walk away, it can be hard to actually motivate yourself to get over there and work out. Now, being stuck at home, it can be even harder to drag yourself out of bed and do some squats. However, we all know that just getting that blood pumping makes us feel one hundred times better. Here are a few ways to get your butt moving during quarantine.

Set A Schedule

Think through your day and set aside time to work out each day. I prefer to do it in the morning before starting my day, but think about what time of day works best for you! Sometimes the problem is simply that we’ve wasted time on Netflix and Instagram before we realize that the day is over. All it takes is dedicating a time to work out every day and sticking to it. Make it a habit, and before you know it, it will be a part of your daily routine.

Do Things You Enjoy

Sure, doing 50 pushups may be the quickest way to burn off the copious amounts of chocolate we’ve been eating. However, there are so many other ways to go about it! Hiking, biking, swimming, and walking around the block are all completely valid forms of exercise. During this time, it’s important to do things that make us happy for our physical and mental health. Why not do something enjoyable and exercise at the same time?

Reward Yourself

After your workout, give yourself a treat. Eat a cookie, take a bath, or watch an episode of a favorite show. This way you have something to look forward to after you exercise. Trust me, dreaming of that bubble bath can get you through that last sit-up. Give yourself a reward for working out, and then you’ll start wanting to do it every day!

Mix Up Your Playlist

One of my favorite things to do is make a giant playlist with over 50 songs. Put it on shuffle every day, and you’ll never know what song is going to come on next. This can really spice things up when you’re about to give up and then the BEST song comes on. When you’re sweating a river and your muscles are turning to dust, a surprise killer song is the best motivator.

Give Yourself A Day Off

Don’t be hard on yourself if you take a day off. Give yourself a free day every once in a while, or exercising will feel like a punishment. That is exactly what we’re trying to avoid. Pick one or two days a week to just lay in bed all day and do nothing. We’re in quarantine, so why not? After taking a break from your routine, you’ll be aching to get back to those lunges.


Exercising can be tough, especially in our current situation. However, keep these things in mind, and it’ll become easier day by day. Exercise is a vital part of maintaining your health during this time, and it doesn’t have to be hard or painful. It can be easy, simple, and fun! And hey, it’s another thing to distract ourselves from all the fear in the world around us. Take this time to further your physical health and create an exercise habit that you enjoy!


Hello! I'm a Sophomore at Hofstra University, double majoring in Journalism and Dance. I love coffee and peanut butter with a passion. I have lots of opinions and love writing about pretty much anything, so I hope you enjoy what I've got to say!