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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Working out in October is sooo hard. There’s candy, wine and Halloween movies making it really easy to sit on the couch, skip the gym and relax in your Victoria Secret Halloween undies and one dollar Halloween socks. But! The good news is that you don’t need to go to the gym to get moving, all you need is that pumpkin sitting on your front porch. No matter the size, pick up that pumpkin and follow along as I take you through a mini, wicked workout!

Perform each exercise 8-12 times for 3 rounds!

Frankenstein Lunge

Monster Smash!

Raised from the Afterlife

Around The Upside Down

Spooktacular Squats

Ravenous Rowing

Jumping Jack-the-Skeleton

Lucifer’s Lunges!

Now get out and get moving witches!

I grew up in Long Beach, California and made my way to Oahu to achieve my degree in Kinesiology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I plan to pursue a career in the sports medicine field as either an athletic trainer, sport performance trainer or to work within the fitness tech industry. I have an overwhelming passion for fitness and health, playing competitive sports throughout my life has instilled the importance of one's physical and emotional well-being and fueled my desire to study and practice healthy living in my everyday life. I am president of my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, and one of my main goals is to ensure each one of my sisters is healthy mentally and emotionally throughout their college experience. Outside of my sorority, that's equally my goal in writing this column for you guys. There is so much importance in remembering to put your physical and mental health first and my hope is that my writing can help instill that into each of your lives as well!