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Thoughts We All Have During Yoga Because We Can’t Always Be Perfectly Focused on Our Breathing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

“I really need to clean my yoga mat. Does anyone have tea tree oil and witch hazel? Or Clorox wipes?”

“I wonder if other people’s knees make that sound when they stretch.”

“The person behind me can totally see my underwear right now.”

“I have never felt so good in all my life.”

Source: http://i.giphy.com/ACrjDJgTMCBRC.gif

“I did one sun salute and I’m already sweating. I’m not sure if this is good or bad.”

“If I sell a kidney, I might be able to afford some leggings from LuluLemon.”

“Has anyone ever taught a class to a Led Zeppelin playlist? That would be tight.”

“If I ever teach a yoga class, I’m totally playing The Lord of the Rings soundtrack.”

Source: http://i.giphy.com/12rnBntkBLPU7S.gif

“I think I understand the meaning of life.”

“Ooh, sock lint.”

“The cultural and philosophical history of yoga is so fascinating.”

“Yesterday I could do the full monkey pose, but today I can’t even reach my ankles. What’s up with that?”

“I could eat some cheese fries after this.”

“Bakasana is such a rewarding pose. I feel like I’m flying.”

“My mental fortitude is just so high right now.”

Source: http://i.giphy.com/BXQfymhtBktC8.gif

“Hell yes, savasana.”

“Thank you, yoga, for cleansing my soul.”

English major with a writing concentration, Civil War era studies/Middle East and Islamic studies minor. I'm all about goats and feminism.