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Tips to Help You Sleep When Anxiety and Stress are Keeping You Awake

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Geneseo chapter.

I am graduating in about a month. Therefore, I am experiencing an additional amount of anxiety and stress. This has started to affect my ability to easily fall asleep at night. Here’s some tips that I’ve found to help myself and others fall asleep when the anxiety and stress are keeping us awake.

Listen to something.

  • ​Guided meditation, a podcast, ASMR, anything that you can focus on to help quiet the thoughts in your brain.
  • Additional tip for my fellow fandom people: there’s a website called Ambient-Mixer.com that has an entire section on Movies/Series so you can fall asleep to the sounds of your Hogwarts house common room or Belle’s library.

Keep a notepad beside your bed.

  • Use it to write stuff down that’s on your mind. If you can’t stop thinking about something that you need to do or something you need to remember, writing it down might help you stop focusing on not forgetting it.

Have a cool down period before bed.

  • Don’t just jump into bed and hope to fall asleep. Give yourself an hour or half hour before bed to wind down from your day. Get comfy, make a cup of tea, do something relaxing.

  • An additional tip; if you decide to drink tea before bed make sure it’s decaf or an herbal variety. I highly recommend chamomile or special blends like this one that meant to promote sleep.




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Rebecca Hagan

Geneseo '19

Rebecca Hagan is a senior History major at SUNY Geneseo.
Jessica Bansbach is a junior psychology major who has more campus club memberships than fingers and toes. In her spare time, if she's forgotten that she's a college student that has more pressing matters to attend to (like, say, studying), she enjoys video games, thrift shopping, and ruminating. She was elected "funniest in group" by her summer camp counselor when she was nine and has since spent the next eleven years trying to live up to the impossible weight of that title.