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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

For the most part, everyone loves cute and fluffy animals, especially when they are small and tripping over themselves as they discover how to walk. At the sight of a puppy, people are instantly excited and filled of happiness. Puppies are like small balls of sunshine. Who would not want to be surrounded by an animal full of excitement and happiness? Especially a dog? 

It is scientifically proven that dogs are perfect companions. In addition, many dogs help individuals obtain more social interactions. Dogs are even proven to reduce stress in our every day lives. Animals, especially dogs, can take one’s mind off of the day, people, and other aspects that can cause stress and anxiety. Interacting with a pure and loving creature allows the heaviness of life to lift a little and can positively influence one’s mood and current emotional state. Additionally, dogs are also scientifically proven to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. When people pet and interact with dogs, individuals experience a physical reaction, resulting in their blood pressure to decrease. This further allows for the possibility of other illnesses which could be life threatening to reduce as well. While statistics in America are rising in terms of mental health issues as well as physical issues, dogs really do help relieve many symptoms. 

Dogs are also beneficial for a child’s health. They protect children from developing skin conditions and allergies, such as eczema and pet allergies. Secondly, dogs also provide children with an increased self-esteem, confidence, and sense of responsibility. Furthermore, dogs continue to improve our physical health by encouraging us to be active as well. They need exercise in order to stay fit and healthy and we need that as well. Due to the responsibility that owners have to care for their dog’s health, they make exercise a greater priority in their lives. Individuals who have dogs recover from illnesses a lot faster than others who do not own a dog. For example, dog owners have a greater chance of recovering from an illness. In addition, people who own dogs and have experienced a heart attack are twice as likely to recover compared to people who do not own a dog. While dogs help individuals heal physically and mentally, dogs have many more qualities and abilities.

Dogs have very unique and special qualities that other animals do not have. They are amazing service animals, can assist the visually impaired, and can detect when their owner is having a heart attack. Dogs are extremely intelligent animals, they are very perceptive, and can sense people’s body language and emotions. Dogs encourage people to be social. In addition, by having a dog, owners form a social connection with other dog owners. Having a dog allows people to have excitement because there is always something new and exciting happening.

While dogs and puppies are a big responsibility, they are one of the greatest additions to an individual’s life. They help reduce stress and anxiety, help others to regulate their physical and emotional health, can help both children and adults, and are great service animals. All animals are amazing companions and are truly one of the greatest blessings on this earth, especially dogs.





I am a Freshman at Grand Canyon University. My major is currently Business in Marketing with a minor in Literature. I am from Southern California, and love adventuring for new food places! I immensely enjoy traveling, as I have been to Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey.