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7 Steps to a Healthier Year this Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

7 Steps to a Healthier Year this Semester

          As the summer days slip away, so does the Netflix binges, home-cooked meals, and the carefree days (ha, really what are those?).  Now it’s time to get back into the routine of school, work, dorm life, and everything else that comes with a college lifestyle. A fresh semester allows for a fresh start in various aspects of life, including your health and fitness. Here are 7 ways to get back into a healthy routine that I used when I started my journey, and still continue to use.

1. Write down your goal + your why!

      Two years ago, I knew I needed to lose weight in order to feel better. But my reasoning was to feel good and the goal to end the trend of obesity within my family. Everything starts with a goal, a reason, a WHY behind what you want to do. Maybe you want to feel healthy, fit, and active. Perhaps you are like I was and need to lose weight, or maybe you even need to gain weight. But why do you want to do it? Take out a note card and write down your goal and why you want to do it. Then, when the days get hard, go back and review!

2. Set a plan

      Schedule your workouts into your calendar; create a meal plan – even scheduling the meals you’ll be eating on campus. Failing to plan is planning to fail!

3. Portions matter!

      You need a variety of foods in a variety of amounts based on your goals, body type, etc. There are several schools of thought on portion sizes. A good starting point is 1 cup of fruits and veggies per serving, proteins as ¾ cup, and carbs as a ½ cup servings.

4. Water, water, water

      We live in the desert so we HAVE TO hydrate! We all know the pee color indicator, but how much should we drink? The best tip is to take your body weight and divide it into two and drink that many ounces per day. For example, if you weight 160 pounds = 80 ounces of water per day.

5. Make healthy convenient!

      Whether you are: a commuter or on campus resident, living in a dorm room or an apartment, have the busiest schedule on campus, or have all of the free time – this is the ONE tip that I consider the most important. Wash and cut fruit and veggies, portion out nuts in advance, and plan outings with your friends to hike, play soccer, swim, etc. If you build healthy into your life, you will see your goals come to fruition.

6. Sleep

      I am not going to be the one to tell you how much sleep you need – you know your body! However, here is your reminder – sleep! Don’t sabotage all of your hard work in the gym and the kitchen by not giving your body the rest and recovery that it needs!

7. Put a nix on stress

            Just as we are making plans for our health and fitness it is also imperative to be making goals and routines for life. We need to be consistently working on a goal that requires us to level up and become a better woman. What are you working on? Make a plan and do your best to follow it. Learn to say no to things, ideas, and people that do not make you a better you! Say yes to opportunities, people, and ideas that require you to grow, get out of your comfort zone, and live life. And most importantly take at least 5 minutes a day to just be present– you are amazing, strong, and beautiful, so revel in that!

            It is all fine and dandy to research, read up on the best tips, and make a plan; however, at some point you have to JUST DO IT! Get up, move, eat healthier, drink your water, and de-stress. Grab a buddy and make this the healthiest semester yet!


A simple girl with big dreams of making an impact.