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Mind & Body: How I’m Staying Healthy This Spring

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

With midterms passing and the spring semester in full swing, it’s important to take some time from our heavy workloads for ourselves. It can be hard to remember to take care of our bodies and minds when we have the weight of several assignments, tests, essays and quizzes on our shoulders. I’ve found that when I put effort into taking care of myself, I feel more motivated to do my assignments with the greatest amount of effort. However, when I slack on myself, I slack on my work. That’s how I know it’s time to put down the studying for a moment and dedicate even just 30 minutes to myself each day.

Doing this daily has made a huge difference in my mindset and mood from when I wake up to when I go to bed. A lot of things that can improve my mental and physical health only take a few minutes each day or are minor changes to things I already incorporate into my schedule.


When it comes to the body, one major thing that has helped make me feel more energized and like I’m helping my body thrive is eating healthier. This doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out all my favorite fast food meals and sweet treats from my diet. It just means trying to eat three balanced meals a day. I try to incorporate something from each main food group into my meals, such as chicken, rice and broccoli. Just putting that effort into my meals has helped give my body the nutrients it needs to get through those late-night study sessions.

Another thing that has been great for my body is drinking a gallon of water a day. I’ve seen this on TikTok a lot and wanted to try it for myself. It’s easy when I’m so focused on classes and assignments to forget to drink water throughout the day, but water is one of the major things we need to survive. It’s so important to supply our body with plenty of it to keep it happy. One thing that helped me to remember to drink the gallon of water throughout the day was getting a large water bottle and becoming its best friend, literally. If you know me, you know I never go anywhere without my water bottle.

Two of my favorite things to do to help my mental health can be done at the same time, reading a new book every month and getting some good ole vitamin C. Sitting in the sun can be so rejuvenating and brings me so much happiness. Whether I’m lounging by the pool, chilling on a bench or laying in a patch of grass, being in the sun helps me feel more alive and connected to the world.

To me, the best part of these two is the fact that they can be done simultaneously. Reading a new book each month helps keep the brain stimulated. You may think, “Why does someone who takes four to six classes each week need even more brain stimulation?” Well, when I’m stimulating my brain for enjoyment rather than doing mandatory work, it’s much more enjoyable.

My last two things are a combination of mind and body. I created a simple skincare routine and spend 30 minutes reflecting in a sauna. For me, the key to consistently doing a skincare routine is keeping it simple. You don’t need to use a million different products, just a couple of staples that help you genuinely see a difference in your skin.

Now these products will be different for everyone because everyone has different skin needs and types, but one of my favorite products is the Truly Skincare CBD Jelly Toning Solution. Using a couple of things that feel good for me has not only left my skin glowing but also helped me feel more put together and ready for the day when I wake up.

The sauna reflection or meditation time also just helps me release all my negative toxins built up from a wild weekend and get me ready for the upcoming week or even the next day. It’s a great time to think about what happened that you loved and what you wish you did differently.

These are just some things I’ve been doing this semester to help me feel better in a general way. Health, physically and mentally, is so important and can often be overlooked or only seen as working out and things like that, but it’s much more. With the weather especially, it’s been hard to want to get outside and get up and get out. But with the weather warming up and spring break coming soon, it’s the best time to start feeling like my best self. Go into the break with a refreshed mindset and excitement.

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From Naples, FL Kaitlyn is a student at FSU majoring in Editing, Writing, and Media. During her time at FSU she’s worked on the undergraduate literary staff before moving up to the masthead as well as being apart of the Beta Mu Gamma Phi Beta chapter.