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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

When you affirm something, you declare the truth. If you want to become a better, more confident version of yourself but are unsure about where to begin, practicing daily affirmations is the perfect first step.

You more than likely have heard of affirmations, given that they are having a shining moment in the wellness world right now. Though some may feel cynical about affirmations, research shows that when practiced daily, they have the power to increase self-image.

Evidence supports that when you have a stronger sense of self-worth, you are more likely to improve your overall well-being. This is why practicing the act of affirmations is key to improving your life. Taking a few minutes out of each morning to practice positive self-thinking not only will set you up for a brighter day ahead but will also train your mind to foster the belief that you are worthy and capable of anything!

There are various ways to practice affirmations: you can stand in front of the mirror and say them out loud to yourself, you can repeat them in your head a few times, or you can write them down in your journal. No matter which route you feel most comfortable taking, the most important thing is that the affirmations resonate with you and that you open yourself up to fully believing them.

To get started, I have listed a few below!

  • Everything I need is within me.
  • I am so very proud of the person I am becoming.
  • I am the creator of my own story.
  • I am open to receiving love and abundance.
  • I give and receive kindness.
  • I have the strength to make it through life’s difficulties.
  • I am in control of my mindset.
  • I attract unconditional love.
  • I accept my imperfections and take care of my body.
  • I invite peace into my life.


Rianna is a junior at the Fashion Institute of Technology studying Advertising & Marketing Communications, Psychology and Integrative Wellness. She is a lover of all things wellness, health and lifestyle!