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Top Tips From A Personal Trainer To Get You Summer Ready

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.


It’s that time of year again when you realise you ate a little bit too much over the Christmas holidays, and the thought of having to get into a bikini in a couple of months just seems far too close. So here at HCX we thought we’d chat to Chris, a much loved Personal Trainer at Fitness First to find out some tips on how we can get that Victoria’s Secret body we always wanted.


Firstly we wanted to find out, is there really any point in running on the treadmill for what seems like hours, or should we man up and do some dreaded weights?

“It depends on your goals, but typically girls come to the gym to tone up. You want to increase your muscle definition and reduce muscle fat. In this case you 100% want to strengthen. If toning is your goal, there really isn’t much point in going on the cross trainer for half an hour. Start your workout with a little cardio and then focus on weights”

Should you eat before or after a workout? And what are some good post-workout foods?

“You should never eat 2 hours before training, but always eat after. You want to eat protein for muscle recovery, and carbs alongside to restore energy. A good lunchtime meal would be chicken, broccoli and sweet potato.”

Next we asked the question that all girls want to ask, but for some reason are too scared, should we take protein shakes? Are they just for guys?

“Not at all! Protein shakes are just a supplement to your diet. If you don’t eat enough protein, protein shakes are a convenient way to increase this. Generally, women’s diet lack protein so it is beneficial to girls.”

How many times should we aim to work out a week?

“At least 3 times. More is better but only up to a point. Don’t ruin yourself by going 7 days a week and then can’t go the following week because you’re too tired. 3-4 times a week consistently is better.”

Can you give all our Her Campus readers a few top exercises for next time we’re in the gym?

“First the squat – this is especially for girls who run as they tend to have strengths and weaknesses in all the wrong places. The squat hits a lot of muscles in one go, your glutes, hamstrings, quads and lower back. Also always use a weight with your squat. 


Next the step up – here it is really important that your hips, knees and toes are all in line. It is a controlled movement, stepping up onto one foot, not letting your knee fall away from the alignment. Again hold weights when doing this.


The next two exercises are good because they strengthen both the front and rear of the upper body, which generally in girls is weak.

First is the bent over row with dumbells – here there is a slight bend of knees, your bum is out, back flat, and chest parallel to the floor. 

And the dreaded push ups! Ideally you want your knees off the floor keeping the body straight and flat.


The most important thing to remember with any exercise is having a good posture. If your posture isn’t strong, then all your doing is strengthening already strong muscles and weakening weak muscles, eventually making your posture worse and leaving risk of injury.”

Any last tips for our HCX readers?

“Whenever you train don’t always think you can then go home and treat yourself. Nutrition is about 70% of fitness and what is ultimately going to make a different. In order to lose weight you have to look at calorie intake, if you have too many calories (even if they are healthy calories) you won’t lose weight”


So there we have it, a few top tips to help you gain that bikini body everyone dreams of! Next time you’re in the gym, give your routine a change and try to add some more weights, don’t be afraid to try something new! Start off light and gradually build it up, and if your unsure just ask. The trainers at the gym are there to help! 


Image Credits: strongtoday.com, thewellnessworks.co.uk, blog.clubchf.co.uk, womenshealthmag.com