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New Year, New You: Eat Healthily the HCX Way

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

2013 is here, and with that the exciting opportunity to have a fresh start, and for many of us that means losing that mince pie induced Christmas weight that seems to have piled on. In fact, 53% of you in a recent HCX poll have resolved to shed a few pounds now that January has rolled round. And we want to help, so here are some top tips to help you on your way!

1-It’s always the case isn’t it? The second someone tells you not to do something, the naughty devil on your shoulder implores you to do just that. And it’s the same with food. So don’t ban foods or certain food groups, or it’s almost certain you will be drawn towards them more and then inevitably feel like a failure if you give in to your hankering. If you are a sucker for unhealthy food, begin by reducing the size of your serving and eat the sweet stuff less often, and you should gradually find you naturally crave them less and less.

2-You don’t need to have a complete overhaul of the fridge, a little tweaking here or there will see you feeling better about yourself in no time. Are fizzy drinks your Achilles heel? Simply swap those cans filled with sugar and additives with fruit juice and sparkling water- it tastes just as delicious and is so much better for you! Equally, if you are addicted to pasta, no fear- just pay attention to your topping. Vegetable based sauces are just as tasty and are miles better for the waist-band than their creamy, cheesy counterparts. Whole grains are also a great substitute to opt for. Why not try wholemeal bread, pasta or cereal, all of which contain lots of fibre and other great nutrients to help you feel fuller for longer, always crucial when you’re trying to eat carefully.

3- Portion control is the key to a healthier lifestyle. Even when we think we are eating well, it can be all too easy to pile up our plates and eat far more than we really should. Here’s a handy guide: your serving of protein- chicken or fish for example- should be the size of a deck of cards, a slice of bread, the size of a CD case and your carbs really ought to take up a light bulb sized area of space on your plate.

4- Water is every girl’s secret weapon. This magical drink helps flush our systems of waste products and toxins, but so many of us go through life dehydrated. Not drinking enough water causes tiredness, low energy and headaches, making that all –nighter you’re pulling that much harder. It’s also all too easy to mistake thirst for hunger, so the more hydrated you are, the less appealing those Hobnobs will look.

5- Moderation is your new BFF if you want to maintain your new svelte figure for longer than a couple of weeks. You don’t want to miss out on anything, and so if you foresee an alcohol- filled (and therefore unfortunately calorie heavy) night, or pizza in with the girls, don’t say no. Simply be sensible for the rest of the day, and eat more nutritiously for breakfast and lunch.

Start the New Year off with a positive mental attitude. It is such a brilliant sensation to look and feel happy about yourself, and all you have to do is follow a few, very easy tips to get a whole new lease of life!  Think about this new, healthy you as solely a good thing and your fresh outlook should last for longer than the First of February

Image Credits: redbridgehighschool.co.uk, co-operative.co.uk