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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Our fitness class this week is LBT, legs, bums and tums, a mixture of aerobic and toning exercises to target those areas that most of us girls worry about. I went to the class put on by our university’s very own BodySoc but many gyms across the country offer their own version. It’s a class where you get out as much as you put in but if you commit it can work wonders: strengthening your muscles, burning fat and toning up those problem spots, what more could you want?

The class varies but the key elements remain the same and you’ll find this wherever you do it, however one of the best parts is that the exercises you’re doing are constantly changing so the time flies by and you don’t get bored of repetitive movements. The whole class is accompanied by up-tempo music to keep you pumped and as evidenced by the harmonious groans at the end of an intense crunching-session there’s actually a great sense of camaraderie between everyone taking the class. So what’s involved in a typical session? Here are some of the key exercises you’ll probably be doing if you choose to attend:

–          Lunges – An all-encompassing lower-body workout, these will tone up your legs and bum. There are various alterations such as reverse lunges or high-knees that will work slightly different muscles but the main focus is your glutes and quadriceps.

–          Squats – Squats obviously help to build your leg muscles (including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves), but they also create an anabolic environment, which promotes body-wide muscle building. Again they come in various forms such as jump squats and sumos, this is one exercise you’ll definitely be feeling the day after.

–          Crunches – One of the most common abdominal exercises crunches are a great way to tone up your stomach. The normal crunches will aim for your upper abdominals whilst reverse crunches will get to work on your lower abs, there are also twist and side crunches to target your waist.

Expect to face all these if you give LBT a go as well as many more. It isn’t for the faint-hearted as though you are encouraged to take things at your own pace it is far from uncommon to hear girls complaining of how they could barely walk the day after a class – and from personal experience stairs were not my friend the morning after my first session. Yet there is something very satisfying about that feeling – you’ll definitely feel like you’ve done some good. I’d definitely recommend it for those bored of working out alone or who feel like they’re stuck in a bit of an exercise rut as there’s sure to be something new there you haven’t tried before. So if you’re looking for an all-round work-out that is good fun why not give LBT a go?

Image Credits: downdirty.au, jessicashealthblog.com, oprah.com, theberry.com

Alice Calder is in her fourth year studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Exeter. She spent her third year studying abroad at the University of Southern Mississippi where she fell in love with all things Deep South. After interning in Washington DC for the summer Alice's love of politics grew and developed into her career ambition. Aside from politics she likes music, exploring the great outdoors, and enjoying food in every possible form.