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6 Celebrity Weight Loss Stories – And How They Did It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

With the recent publication of exam timetables, ever looming deadlines and the general stressed feeling that seems to hover over students at this time of year, we are often prone to comfort eat and stop exercising. Unfortunately this tends to result in unnecessary weight gain, which nobody wants! So here at HCX, we thought you’d all appreciate a few tips from the stars about how they achieved their weight loss.


The three things she did to really change her diet were: Start eating breakfast, drink water instead of fizzy drinks, and always have a snack in the evening, She said: “I don’t like ‘diet foods’; they make you miserable and don’t fill you up. I had to find things I enjoyed eating. Otherwise, I would never have stuck to the plan.”



Tyra Banks said she lost weight by changing some of her bad food habits (like putting bacon on her salads). Eating healthy starts with avoiding animal fat (especially saturated fat), such as fried foods and eating more lean protein instead — it’s healthier and more filling. Also keep your sugar intake low (that includes simple sugars in white breads and pastas too).




Renee said that it was all through discipline and a strict diet; fruit and yogurt replaced junk food. Cereals were on her daily diet plan and she didn’t make any exception during that time. She was also jogging and doing all sorts of sports multiple times a week. This shows us one thing: discipline and a good diet plan really work if you are willing to put in the work.



Jennifer credits Weight Watchers for her weight loss, claiming that it is an affordable program that is more or less easy to follow and it is great for long term weight loss and maintenance.



Jessica Simpson had a diet plan that featured low-fat smoothies, protein and plenty of vegetables. The 15 day smoothie diet consisted of five days of three smoothies a day that gradually worked in snacks and meals.



Kim Kardashian believes that by treating yourself to a new workout outfit or some new trainers, you will be more motivated to hit the gym. She also says that by drinking more water, you’ll be surprised at how much this will affect the effectiveness of your weight loss workouts


Image Credits: tumblr.com, s321.beta.photobucket.com, beforeandafterlooks.com, blog.zap2it.com, hashtagsandstilettos.com/, zimbio.com