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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

For those of you that didn’t know, 30th March is heralded in America each year as “I Am in Control Day.” I don’t think America will mind if we borrow it, because it sounds like the kind of day I want to be a part of.

It all started on 30th March 1981 when, following the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, Alexander Haig proclaimed that “as of now, I am in control here in the White House.” His words were taken and used to create a day where people are encouraged to get things under control in their own lives, finding a bit of time to put themselves first.

We all have those days where we feel a little bit out of control, but there are things we can do to remind ourselves how to get back that control. We need to accept that, actually, life often does feel like someone else has taken the wheel and changed direction, but that it’s ok and you can cope with it.

Firstly, at this time of year, with exams and deadlines looming, creating some kind of plan of everything you need to do and prioritising those tasks can give you a feeling of being in control over it all. When you bunch everything you have to do into one big list it can often feel like you’ll never get it all done in time. However, try breaking it up into manageable chunks, as that way you’ll likely see that you do have plenty of time to get it all done, whilst it also gives you the chance to experience that feeling of achievement when you’ve finish each chunk of tasks. Allowing yourself to feel like you’ve achieved something is important to give yourself the encouragement to keep pushing forward!

Secondly, have a goal in mind. Remember that you are the one who sets your own goals and so you are in control of reaching them. That way, when you feel fed up and resentful that you have to revise or do that essay, you can remember that the end goal is only really to please yourself because you’ve achieved something from the end product, and that minor achievements along the way can help self-motivate you that little bit more.

But, just because you’re in control of your efforts to achieve and do your best, it’s good to remember that you’re also in control of your physical and mental wellbeing! So don’t forget to take a walk, and when the sun shows its face have a break outside, maybe even have a nap in the sun! It will do you the world of good to get some fresh air, vitamin D and a bit of a brain boost.

Also, don’t forget that, although you are in control, this doesn’t mean you can or need to do things alone. Talk to those close to you, get their support if you’re finding things hard, take the time to spend time with them and ask for help if you need it. Give it a go, be more in control!

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Jessica Forsyth

Exeter Cornwall

I'm a third year zoology student at the Exeter University Penryn Campus. I chose to do a zoology degree because i find myself mind boggled by all of the questions there are to ask about life and how things are the way they are, especially in terms of how animals behave and thought it might help me answer some of the questions i find myself asking! My articles for Her Campus are mainly going to be made up of thoughts and questions that pass through my mind that i think might be of interest to other people and my interpretation or attempt to make sense of them!