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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Let me just start this off by saying that I am not zen. I am probably the farthest thing from zen. When I was little I cried almost every time my mom was talking to my dad instead of me. I am impatient, easily frustrated, and to be honest not a pillar of emotional stability. I am also skeptical. When I was 13 all my friends got their palms read at the state fair and I refused – I knew this lady couldn’t tell my future from some lines on my hands, so why pay her $5 to pretend like she could?

That being said, I have recently discovered something rather surprising about myself and here it is: despite the deep breathing and reaching into your soul to find your balance or mantras or chanting or whatever, I really like yoga. I know- uncharacteristic right?

I know I am not the first to discover that this half meditative half physical form of exercise does wonders for both your body and mind, but I am here to speak for people like me, who have not who have been zen since birth and don’t know words like qi and vinyasa. I am here to tell the rest of you that no matter how frustrated you get when a bus is late or how much you hate when people talk about living a balanced and centered life or being vegan, yoga can be for you too.

Despite its reputation as a sport for granola-loving hippies (and don’t get me wrong I love those people- my parents are among them), yoga can work for everyone. Taking 50 minutes out of your day to focus on your breathing and your body is incredibly refreshing and can help with everything from back pain to test anxiety.

Health benefits include increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy, and vitality, a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance, protection from injury, and many others. Mental benefits include stress management and coping skills, improved mental clarity, relaxation, and body awareness, among others.

While paying for a fancy and far away yoga studio as a student who may or may not have a job/car/parents who are willing to fund these activities may not seem possible, this is not the only way! Lucky for us, for just $30 a semester, Emory offers 11 types of yoga classes (along with many other classes from abs to barre!) 6 days a week in our very own Woodpec! Classes are available for purchase on the ground floor of the gym.

No matter who you are and what you like, yoga can be for you. Taking time out of your day to take a breath, refresh your body, and clear your mind has a huge impact on both your physical and mental health!