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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

I’ve felt like I’ve been in a rut for about… my entire college career thus far. However, this quarter has felt different. As the end of my second year is rapidly approaching, I can feel my motivation and determination to do any kind of work for class or clubs fleeing just as quickly. The procrastination is hitting me hard and I need to haul myself out of this scatter-brain hole I’ve found myself in. So if you’ve been silently nodding along and all of this sounds like it belongs in your diary, then keep reading because I’m going to give you some of the tips that have been helping me feel more like a functioning adult. 

Get your health on!

Are you surprised? Because you shouldn’t be. We have all heard it a million times that we need to be eating healthy and exercising regularly. This past month I have really been prioritizing my health by getting in at least 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week and eating more fruits and veggies. Physically, I feel great and when you feel good, tackling that to-do list is much easier. So instead of that cookie, grab a banana, and go for a walk around campus – your body and brain will thank you. 

Try some spring cleaning

For me, concentrating on anything is almost impossible if the area around me is messy. I usually do my homeowrk in my living room so if there are dishes piled in the sink, the trash is overflowing, and all my papers and notebooks are in a jumbled mess, than nothing is getting done until I get everything organized. When it comes to getting out of a rut, however, the cleaning might need to be more drastic. Try cleaning out your closet, bookshelf, fridge and getting rid of things you don’t need anymore – it will help create the feeling of a fresh, new start. 

Embrace your inner grandma and SLEEP

I know as college students, if can feel almost like a requirement to stay up until 2:00 in the morning and sleep until noon, but trust me, you are not doing yourself any favors. I have fully embraced my inner grandma and you will almost never hear from me past 10:00 pm, because I have turned off my phone and am climbing into bed. If you want consistently good sleep, I suggest having a strict sleep schedule in which you have a night routine and a bed time. Start winding down, washing your face, and brushing your teeth at the same time every night. 

Get yo booty out of bed!

I know I just told you that sleep is good, but having a strict, set sleep schedule also means waking up early and at the same time every morning. My class schedule is pretty relaxed in the morning and I often don’t need to be anywhere until 11:00. However, I still set my alarm at 7:00 every morning so by the time class rolls around, I am wide awake and ready to go. 

Find your own form of meditation

I’m the kind of person who can rarely shut my brain off and sit still for more than a few minutes. I am constantly thinking about what needs to be done later and stressing about my endless to-do list. Therefore, I recently started using the app Calm to try meditation and the more I use it, the better I feel. The app itself is free but if you want access to all of their guided meditations, there is a monthly payment of $4.99, which is half the price of Netflix and twice as helpful to your brain. However, if traditional meditation isn’t your thing, that’s cool too! Maybe you prefer to play some calming music and go for a walk or do some yoga. Find what works for you and make it a habit. 

Learn to say “no.”

With the weather warming up, there are endless fun times to be had. It can be so tempting to leave your books behind and walk down to the lake or spend your free time laying out in the quad with some friends. However, ignoring homework too often can lead to a sticky situation once finals roll around. So learn to say no to invites from your friends. Don’t worry, you can still say yes occasionally, because it is important to take breaks to relieve stress, just make sure those breaks are preceded by actual studying. 

Be stern with yourself

None of the tips I’ve just given you are all that surprising or new. We all know that we should be doing all of this already. However, they are only going to be helpful if you discipline yourself into making them a part of your daily routine. Obviously studying for finals, writing papers, and applying for internships are not what we want to be doing, but they’re necessary. So stop ‘treating yo self’ and get to work!


I hope these tips will be helpful when you are powering through the rest of the school year. And just remember: this too shall pass and soon summer will be here!



Bailley is a PR & Advertising major from the great state of Minnesota and will remind you every chance she gets. She is a self-proclaimed doughnut enthusiast, an avid reader, and a fan of witty comedy. You can catch Bailley caffeinating the world as a barista or desperately applying for copywriting internships.