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Kristen Bryant / Her Campus

We All Escape: How Everyday Hobbies Help Us Cope with Reality

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.

Whether through books, music, or travel, we all find ways to escape life’s chaos. Discover how simple joys like reading, photography, or even a quick nap can offer much-needed solace.

As a teen, my friends convinced me to read the first Harry Potter book. I thought that reading wasn’t for me and that it was so cliché that I didn’t want to do it. But I guess I have never been happier to be wrong because it gave me my first love—reading. I found so much peace while reading; the way I forget anything and everything that’s happening around me made me realize that it is something truly important to me and that it is one thing that I do just for myself. There is something about it that makes me escape every problem or chaos taking place in my life. It is my personal heaven.

There are times when all of our lives become too much. It is the chaotic reality that forces us to take refuge in a world where we can escape the realities of our lives, if only just for a while. For me, it’s reading; while for others, there are a lot of things that make them forget the real world, and as in Taylor Swift’s words, “I hate it here, so I will go to secret gardens in my mind.”

As a student, I get to meet a lot of people my age, and even if we don’t always talk about it, somewhere through the conversation, I get a peek into their happy place. One thing that I am very sure of is that we all escape. Here are some ways that I think will be relatable to our generation:

Given I spend about two hours a day on the metro, I can’t help but notice people losing themselves in music, regardless of which genre they enjoy. It’s their way of escaping. Nothing makes your mood better than listening to Tay-Tay or old classic Hindi songs and singing lyrics rather poorly, enjoying my personal karaoke.

Social Media
Despite the fact that social media can sometimes cause more harm than good, practically everyone in this generation intends to use it. But at times, it provides us with the haven we desire.

Since I have friends who are extremely passionate about filming the moments through their lens, I can’t help but see this hobby of theirs as a place of happiness where they can forget about whatever is upsetting them and focus on little things that bring them joy.

Cooking can be another powerful form of escape, offering a therapeutic and creative outlet for some. Though, if someone sucks at it like me, hands down, it is too stressful to deal with. My mood ain’t getting better eating burnt bread. For us, ordering our favourite food and binge-watching might be just the best way.


Sometimes all one needs is a physical escape from the hustle, which may be accomplished by traveling to a new location—or perhaps one that is peaceful and quiet. Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery to escape the chaos of our life.

It is accepted wisdom that artists are in a world far apart from reality when they create their work. As they give life to their fragments of ideas, they are immersed in their own world.

Sometimes, all you need is a good nap to be swallowed in your dreams, far away from the havoc that is out there somewhere. For some, it takes something as simple as sleeping to escape their problems.

Tennis Shoes And Water Bottle
Her Campus Media

For the bodybuilders out there, working out can be a way to physically release their stress and focus on their body for a while. This not only helps them keep the dark thoughts away but also simultaneously helps their body. Overstraining can also happen in such cases, which should be avoided.

Even though we all do it time and again, there will be times when one will feel guilty about being happy or just not processing reality, and I must admit that there are times when that escape will turn into avoidance and thus procrastination, leading to frustration. Be it an assignment or preparation for a test, it all seems rather unappealing when there is a twist just coming right up in your book and the next chapter seems too good to stop reading. This short-term happiness or pleasure that one gets might land us in trouble at times, like not studying for the said assignment and the self-disappointment that is too heavy a pressure for that short-term pleasure.

But hey, it’s bad only when it is in excess; a little self-awareness and checking yourself can help us to avoid getting frustrated at the very expense of finding the little solace that one seeks. Otherwise, there’s no harm in just creating a space to be yourself and not letting other external factors let us down.

Sabhyata Singh

Delhi North '27

I am a political science student at Delhi University. I took the course to professionalize my nature of voicing my opinions on what is happening around me. Trying to navigate my daily existence in a world where everyone appears to know who they want to be. I love to read books. There is something about reading that makes me forget the real world. I just dive into the fictional world, living and being in situations that I am sure I am too afraid to be in or even voice out in real life. I have been a part of a podcast called “Our Space,” where we used to address problems related to the teenage years through our own experiences and how to navigate through the highs and lows of school life. I guess that was the platform where I voiced my opinion to be heard by students at large for the very first time. Since then, I have tried to not only just speak what I think but to also write those thoughts that I once thought were too naive for anyone’s opinion and thus should not be put out there. I guess it’s a journey that I am on, and this is one of those mediums where I will express my opinions, hoping that it will help those who will relate to me and my way of seeing this world a little bit differently almost daily.