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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Just because you don’t have a gym doesn’t mean your workout routine is on pause. Though I always feel like I get more out of a workout when I am at the gym than I do at home, I’ve come up with a list of fun workouts you can do at home that are not your average boring exercises. Whether you have weights laying around, a roommate or just your body and open space, this list will give you fun ideas utilizing what you have! 


Lunges are a great way to start leg workouts at home because there are so many variations you can try. Try doing regular lunges, curtsey lunges, Bulgarian split squats, and walking lunges to activate those leg muscles! You can grab two items around your house equal in weight and hold them in both hands to add additional weight to your lunges, or just use bodyweight. For an extra motivator, put on some music and attempt to do lunges to the beat of your favorite song! 


Squats are one of the easiest things to do at home for a great workout, whether you want to use additional weight or just your body weight, there are so many different ways to do it!  The other day my roommate and I were home and wanted to get a quick workout in. Us being creative and somewhat ridiculous I had the genius idea for her to get on my shoulders and squat her. Disclaimer, she weighs less than what I’m used to squatting so I knew I would be able to do it. To my disbelief, no one was injured, and it was a breeze as of course, she held on for dear life near the wall. However, if you’re wanting to get creative with your squats at home and don’t have a roommate who is willing to put up with your crazy ideas or you are not sure if you can SAFELY squat her, try grabbing things around your house to intensify the weight when squatting. You can fill up a duffle bag with clothes or different items and use that during squats, different pieces of furniture, or your backpack. Hold whatever you find close to your chest, above your head or on your shoulders! 

Woman doing bicep curls


It may just be me, but I constantly see those Tik-Tok videos of people doing ab workouts to the beat of their favorite songs. This is a great idea for elevating your ab workout. Personally, when I’m at home my motivation is not as high as when I am at the gym and I find myself in the middle of an ab workout laying on my living room floor on my phone taking a “break” that turns into an hour of going down a deep social media hole. However, finding a song and doing crunches, Russian twists, leg lifts, planks, and bicycles, makes an at-home ab workout way less dreadful. 


I dread pushups, there’s no way around that. However, incorporating pushups in increments around another arm exercises allows me to break it up and not just do pushup after pushup. Try doing triceps dips using a chair, ottoman, or a couch, Bicep curls using light weights in which you can use items around your house from your pantry, up-down planks, inchworms, and shoulder tap planks.  


If you’re not able to go for a run or just really dislike running, put on some music and dance to your favorite song. You can jog in place, do burpees, watch a cardio workout video on YouTube, or more creative options. Cardio doesn’t always need to consist of running or walking and being outside. There are plenty of ways to get your body moving and heart rate up without leaving your home! 

I hope these workouts helped and let us know what some of your favorite at-home workouts are! 


Bachelors degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing Management, and a minor in Digital Marketing.