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Meditative Methods and Crystals for Stress Reduction

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Exams are beyond stressful, so it’s important that you take time to examine yourself and keep track of your mental wellbeing. If you’re considering meditation with or without crystals, you’ve come to the right place!

DISCLAIMER: crystals are not meant to replace modern medicine, so please use this guide solely for therapeutic purposes! 

General Guide for Meditation

First, you’re going to get into a comfortable position in a quiet space. Many individuals choose to sit on an exercise mat with their legs crossed, while others prefer to simply lay flat on their bed. Whatever position you choose, make sure your muscles are completely relaxed so you are focused on your breathing rather than aches or discomforts. When you’re ready, close your eyes gently, unclench your jaw, and relax your facial muscles. At this point, you can choose to open a guided meditation app such as HeadSpace, or you can simply focus on your breathing pattern. If you choose to focus on your breathing pattern, make sure you’re breathing normally. Often trying to do a special breathing pattern can direct too much attention to making sure you’re breathing properly. Listening to the sounds of your breath, do a slow mental scan down your body, focusing on how the weight of your body falls on the surface below you. When you’re done, scan back up and retreat back to focusing on the sound of your breaths. If you find that your mind is wandering, gently bring the attention back to the sound of your breathing and its natural pattern.

Meditation with Crystals

If you choose to meditate with crystals, there are several ways to go about doing so. First you’re going to choose a crystal of your liking (I suggest a few below) and choose a position for the crystal. One option is to hold the crystal in your hand to promote a spiritual connection. The second option is to place crystals on your chakras, which are defined as energy positions throughout the body. My advice would be to look up a chakra body diagram, which usually lists the suggested crystals for each region of your body. Doing so also creates a tangible connection and allows you to exchange vibrations with the crystal in the areas which are most effective. The final option would be to place crystals in a circle around yourself in order to create an “energy field.” This method is recommended for individuals who are easily distracted by physical objects and might find it difficult to focus.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is perfect for clarity, light, and reflection. For this reason, this crystal is perfect for clearing the mind and repressing distracting thoughts. If you struggle to stay focused during meditation, you would benefit the most from this crystal. The chakra points clear quartz can be placed on are your throat, forehead, chest, or stomach.


Amethyst is said to promote tranquility and peace of mind. Amethyst is the perfect crystal for individuals who find it difficult to break away from their thoughts during meditation. Whether fear about an upcoming test or anxiety over your workload strikes in your mind during meditation, this crystal is believed to relieve and even prevent those nerves. The chakra points amethyst can be placed on are your forehead, cheeks, and lips.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is wonderful for preventing negative thoughts and absorbing evil energy. If you have any regrets or doubts, black tourmaline is believed to remove them from your mind and body. As such, I would recommend you meditate with this stone if you are finding anything to be discomforting and upsetting to you in your daily life. The chakra point black tourmaline works best on is your forehead.


Lepidolite is specifically used to relieve tension and is linked to the brain and central nervous system. Much like black tourmaline, this stone helps to silence distressing thoughts that may cause your body to tense up. The chakra point for lepidolite is also on your forehead.

Whether or not you believe in the power of crystals, I would suggest giving meditation a try. If you’re feeling adventurous enough, add a crystal to your routine and examine how you feel afterwards. After all, it can’t hurt, right?