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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

New Year’s resolutions almost never come to fruition. No matter how many times you tell yourself that you are going to the gym or that you are going to eat vegetables everyday, as soon as you fall out of the habit of said resolution, the resolution fades from your brain. By following these simple five steps, you can wave goodbye to this phenomenon! Soon, you will become the person you want to be. This is a person who is happier, stronger, and more amazing! 

Make your bed every morning.

This step might seem like an irrelevant task, but it is revolutionary. By doing something productive when you start your day, you are training yourself to be productive for the rest of the day. Whether this means being productive around the house or in your dorm room, while doing your homework, or while taking care of yourself, this is so important. A tidy bed also is the first step to a clean room and a good night of sleep! 

Make your goals small at first, then increase them.

A mountain was not made in a day. We must use this same logic when looking at our New Year’s Resolutions. If your resolution is to start going to bed early, you should decrease your bedtime by thirty minutes every few nights. With patience, you will reach your goal, while strengthening the habit of falling asleep early. This logic can be applied to all of your resolutions. 

Write your goals down.

It is perfectly reasonable to have many New Year’s resolutions. However, it is easy to forget them if you do not write them down. So write down your resolutions, and you will get the satisfaction of crossing them off your list when you achieve them!

Have your friends hold you accountable.

A great way to motivate yourself is knowing that you are being held accountable by someone else. If your friends hold you accountable for your resolutions, you will be more motivated to complete your goals before they check in on you. Be able to say “I told you so!”

Be patient with yourself.

You are improving yourself, so understand that it is okay to fail! Do not beat yourself up if you take a few steps backwards on your resolutions. If you fall, just remember to pick yourself up again and move forward. The only place you can move is forward. 

Best of luck with your goals for 2021! May you find more joy and luck than in 2020. 

Bella Druckman

Columbia Barnard '24

Hi! My name is Bella Druckman, and I am a freshman at Barnard majoring in English and Human Rights. I’m from Chicago, but love the big city of New York. I love to bake - especially cookies - and share those goodies with my friends. When I’m not taking photos, or crafting, you can find me fighting for social justice or spreading my kindness through the world.