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Hot take: Friendship breakups are way worse than actual breakups

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Losing a partner can be harsh, but why does it hurt even harder when you lose a friend? Intimacy is the key to a relationship. During different paths in your life, you’ve already found yourself as someone aside from members of your own family, with whom you could share your darkest secrets and most achievements. 

Friends are a really important part of your life, since you were a kid you’ve always had friends you could rely on, it’s part of our nature to connect with people who somehow understand you. During the teen years, it’s when your social life is most important and naturally the beginning of your love life. 

Remember when you and your best friend had your first kiss? And how did you both laugh when you two had your first crush? Or even when one of you got into a long-term relationship for the first time? These memories and constant sharing are what make friends so important. 

The intimacy of a friendship is different from the intimacy of a relationship, in fact it can be called platonic sometimes, it’s a different kind of love. 

Maybe Phoebe Buffay from Friends was right when she said: “Boyfriends and girlfriends are gonna come and go, but this is for life!”

Unfortunately, in real life, it’s rare when a friendship lasts, because life is constantly changing and with it, new people appear, you lose touch or have different interests. Any kind of breakup is painful, even if you weren’t that close it hurts to see that person slowly becoming a total stranger. 

However, when it comes to friendship breakups it hurts even more because imagine seeing the person who was somehow a part of you, becoming someone you wished you’d never known. That person who used to know all your secrets and insecurities becomes someone who you have to pretend you don’t know at all. 

When this happens it’s worse than an actual breakup, because you don’t have anyone to rely on or to call when you are going through something in your love life. The truth is that good friendships should last forever, but the reality is that to keep these friendships it’s maybe one of the hardest things ever, simply because nothing lasts forever. 

It’s lovely to see friends who stick together until they’re old, unfortunately, they’re rare but can be achieved by anyone. As I said before, the key to a relationship is intimacy, so you should call your friends and tell them how you feel and that you miss them! Nothing lasts forever, but life is too short to miss someone when you could just call them, everything can come back to its place if you just try. 

And if you don’t think it’s worth it for any reason, just know that everything is going to be fine and all you need is to love yourself, you don’t need a boyfriend or a friend to make you happy, soon you’ll find yourself in a new journey surrounded by different people. 


The article above was edited by Isa Mucilo.

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Giovanna Rodrigues

Casper Libero '26

I'm passionate about music, films and literature. I love classic rock music and the iconic popular culture from the late 1960's. Currently studying Journalism at Cásper Líbero.