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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

While some of us may be mourning the realization that our undergraduate education at CLU will end in just nearly 4 months, others find it difficult to wait another second to receive our diploma and move on to face something new. In recognizing that there are people on both sides of the spectrum from the one diagnosed with deathly senioritis to the one suffering from heavy-hearted mourning, they both have least one thing in common: you are not done. There are still about 4 months left!

At this point in spring semester, some students have earned their place at graduate school or at a company they were hired into and are anxiously awaiting that new chapter of their lives. On the other hand, others might be starting the process of planning out their post-undergraduate careers. 

Either way, you still have time (4 WHOLE MONTHS, in case you forgot) to try out different avenues of interest before you’re locked into “the adult world”. Take advantage of these 4 months and try out that internship you’ve always been wary of undertaking! Head over to CLUpostings.com and find an internship you’d enjoy. You might not have another chance to work somewhere on a low-stress, trial basis once you finish college.

If you’re only taking 12 units, maybe look into signing up for that art or philosophy course you’ve always been interested in. You will never get this opportunity again. Take advantage of it and optimize your last semester to the best of your abilities!

Have you always wanted to try working for the food industry, yet you know you’re headed to med school right after you graduate? Fill out some applications and try it out! Again, once you enter graduate school or begin working for that job you earned, you are locked in and you most likely won’t get to try out any fun, different jobs that have held your interest for years.

So get out there, use your resources, and don’t let this last semester of undergraduate opportunities go to waste!*All photos courtesy of pixabay.com.

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Andrea Lopez

Cal Lutheran

Andrea is a sophomore at California Lutheran University. She's currently trying out many different career paths, driven by her creative passions to help people. She's a dreamer who has the discipline to turn these dreams into her reality. The moment she starts thinking rationally is the moment she has lost all hope. Andrea believes in being irrational, and taking risks. She cares to travel the world in the hope to be exposed to as many viewpoints as possible. Andrea wants to help people live the lives they desire. She believes in the insane kind of love, the one that drives you crazy. She believes deeply in Jay Gatsby and Peter Parker. Andrea is an artist at heart and a scientist by nature. She wants it all. She wants to make an impact.
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