Whether you’re not quite ready to hit the gym in public yet (because ew — COVID cooties), don’t have much time, or you’re currently balling on that college budget (hahaha same), know that you are not alone. Amidst this global pandemic, I’ve definitely found time to explore the vast realm of online workouts and I’m here to recommend some of my personal favorites. Here are some dorm-friendly, quick, and easily accessible workouts for you to get back on your grind!
- Booty Burn
This thigh- and booty-focused workout is about 15 minutes long and guarantees a killer burn. Resistance band recommended for this one, but is not required!
- Sami Clarke’s 20 mins
This 20 minute workout is one of my personal favs as it incorporates both abs and butt. I really like all of Sami Clarke’s videos!
- Crunches
Reaaaaally gets those crunches in. No equipment needed.
- Abs Burn
I can’t guarantee the abs in two weeks, but I can guarantee a good core burn from this one!
- “Waist” no time
This video is quick, effective, and very waist-focused!
- Obliques
I like this when I want to work my obliques.
- Pilates
Okay — I love pilates, and all I can say is… ow?! (in a good way)
- Pilates part 2
Another good pilates workout without the $30 drop-in fee. You’re welcome.
- Yoga
Doing yoga is a must during these stressful times… Really, any beginners yoga on YouTube will give you similar flows.
- Cardio, but make it yoga
I really like how this combines yoga with cardio. This one made me sore AF.
PSA: You should not feel guilty for not working out or for feeling more lethargic during these hard times. Life is stressful, rest is good, quarantine can be weird, food is tasty — remember that!