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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

As the semester begins to come to a close, many students begin to suffer from the end of the semester burnout. Students find themselves overwhelmed by projects, papers, and finals fast approaching. No need to worry! Her campus has provided an A-Z guide to beat these end of the semester blues!

A––Appreciate what time is left in the semester 

B––bake something 

C––call someone from home 

D––decorate your room with something new 

E––eat good food 

F––find a new hobby

G––gulp down some water to hydrate 

H––hike outside with friends 

I––illustrate how your feeling by doing some arts and crafts 

J––joke around with friends 

K––kayak or trying a new outdoor activity 

L––learn a fun fact to share with others 

M––move your body

N––normalize self care days 

O––organize your room or study space 

P- prioritize taking time for yourself  

Q- quality time with friends or with yourself 

R––read a book for fun 

S––stay in one night and relax 

T––try a new study spot 

U––utilize those face masks and have a self-care night 

V––vroom vroom around in a car 

W––wonder around campus 

X––xylophone it out 

Y––yammer and rant with your friends 

Z––catch some Zzzz and sleep in one day 

isabel carden

Bucknell '22

Hi, I'm Bel! I'm a junior finance major and creative writing minor at Bucknell University.
Isobel Lloyd

Bucknell '21

New York ~ Bucknell