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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Every semester, there’s a break in my self-care flow where all my good habits are thrown out the window, leading me to be not so kind to my body and my mind. Between classes, work, and all the little things, I know that this lack of love for ourselves is universal and uncontrollable. It is, however, very reversible with the practice of five very simple yet effective “treat-yo-self” tactics to put you back on track.

1. Self-Love and Study

I personally live to make any task that I’m doing as efficient as possible, which is why I feel that combining homework and self-care is the best way to reintroduce healthy habits to your flow. Whether it’s slapping on a face mask while you review notes, baking up a treat as you do reading, or rallying your friends for a study sleepover, adding some love into your study life will make you a bit more conscious about how well you’re treating yourself.  Plus, it might ease the pain of drowning in responsibilities.

2. Take a little break from your daily routine. 

While the best way to stay on track, in general, is a good routine, I am a firm believer in being adventurous when necessary/possible. If you have the extra time, money or even energy, seek out something new in even the most mundane part of your schedule. Talk the walk to Pavement and have a fancy caffeinated beverage. Buy a fun treat at Target. Watch more than one episode of that show you’ve been trying to binge. Taking the time to try something new is the perfect reset for your life.

3. Have a weekday friend date!

This may sound like a silly one given most of us are surrounded by our friends all the time in college, but it’s still a very key one. Going out of your way to make cute plans to see one of your dudes will work wonders on several different planes. You’ll see a face you adore in a setting that isn’t Mugar doing something that feels like it’s meant for the weekend on a weekday. Be as adventurous as you want and make a beautiful memory to store in the “college experience” bin inside your head.

4. Have a phone conversation with a loved one.

Losing contact with loved ones goes hand-in-hand with letting go of your self-care hustle. So setting aside the time to have a lengthy chat with your parents, friends, and other loved ones that aren’t in your area is sure to do some healing magic on you. It’s a great way to focus on all the good that you’re doing in life while getting a much-needed break from reality. Plus, you get to catch up on what’s happening outside the bubble.

5. Breathe.

Again, another silly one, but we so often forget to take breaks to just inhale and exhale these days. Wake up five minutes earlier, don’t even so much as glance at your phone, do some breathing exercises until you’re feeling rejuvenated. Center yourself before the day gets chaotic so that you’re not struggling for internal peace if something doesn’t go your way. Breathe in the good stuff, exhale the toxic things. 

You don’t have to let your self-care routine slip away completely when you have these very doable steps to getting back your healthy habits.


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Noelle Monge is currently a senior in CAS, studying English. She loves earl grey-flavored treats and things that taste like fall, Broad City (#yas), and millennial pink anything. She's a Guam girl living in the always busy, eternally beautiful city of Boston. Hafa Adai all day!
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.