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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not that girl we have been seeing all over TikTok recently. You know the self care queen that seemingly has her entire life figured out, makes sleepy girl cocktails and is in bed by 9 every night. I am most definitely not her. I mean I may go to bed early, but I have pretty much nothing figured out and I’m almost always overwhelmed.

Something in my life happened recently that completely threw me for a loop. And when it happened, I was feeling all of the feelings. I did the whole crying and rotting in bed thing for a day or two. But I realized that rotting in bed was not going to help me solve anything. And next thing you know I was on my way to Target to pick up a journal. Turns out it was probably the best thing I could have done for myself.

Since getting a journal, I have been written in it every night before bed. I get some tea, put on a candle, get comfy in bed, and start writing (see I’m turning into the TikTok girl already). I just write whatever pops into my head: no prompts and no expectations. Just my thoughts and feelings. After brain dumping everything, I go back and highlight the most important things. I have found that this helps me prioritize what I want to focus on the next day, whether it be resolving an argument or just acknowledging my own feelings.

This has made me feel so much better in just the short amount I have been doing it. I close my eyes every night with a clear mind which makes me sleep that much better. I feel in control of my emotions and know that my feelings are valid. I feel confident and sure in speaking about the way I feel, instead of just bursting into tears and saying mean things.

Though this is something so small, and maybe even a little bit cliche, it actually has helped me. And if it seems like something you’d like, even if you’re hesitant, just go to Target and grab a journal! You’ll never know if you like something if you don’t try!

Serena Longo

Bentley '24

Hi! My name is Serena and I am a sophomore at Bentley University. I like to write about makeup, food and fashion. Outside of writing, I love to shop, read, go out with friends, and teach dance!