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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Working out can feel really daunting sometimes. The idea of putting on tight leggings and sneakers and running until you can’t catch your breath is not how I’d like to spend my morning. But working out – or movement – doesn’t have to look like lifting huge dumbbells in the weight room surrounded by frat guys. Movement can look like dancing, walking, or (my favorite) yoga! I think yoga is a great way to dip your toes in the world of fitness. Here are some reasons why I love doing yoga!

  1. It helps you increase your flexibility and balance. Never worry that you can’t touch your toes ever again!
  2. It can help you build strength and tone your muscles.
  3. It’s extremely versatile – there are so many types and levels out there for every person’s comfort level!
  4. It’s low impact – it won’t leave you injured or aching afterwards.
  5. It’s super fun to do with friends – you can put on your favorite leggings and sports bras and take some cute mirror selfies before rolling out your mats.
  6. It doesn’t require that much equipment! No balls, weights, or machines needed – just grab a cheap mat from Marshalls and get going!
  7. You can do it anywhere at any time! Yoga can be a great way to start your morning mindfully, give yourself an afternoon break, or unwind at night from a long day – and you can hit the Dana Center, Slade Wellness Studio, or just stay in your dorm!
  8. It’s a great way to practice mindfulness and help destress or cope with anxiety.
  9. If you like doing other workouts, yoga can be a great way to warm up or cool down!
  10. There are so many variations of yoga! Hot yoga and barre are just some other examples of yoga if you’re bored of the traditional mat.

If you want to try yoga or you’re a seasoned pro, stop by our group yoga session tomorrow, March 7th at 7:30 in the Slade Wellness Studio! Get ready to stretch and bond with the Her Campus Team!

Hi everyone! My name is Banmai Huynh and I am from Chelmsford, MA. I'm a Corporate Finance and Accounting major at Bentley University in Waltham, MA and I’m the President of our Her Campus Chapter. I joined Her Campus because I think it's a great creative outlet for college students. I like writing about my personal experiences, opinions, and recommendations! Thanks for reading!