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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

It’s getting to be that time of year again: professors are cramming last-minute tests and projects in, deadlines are creeping up on us, and finals are just around the corner. With all of this in mind, choose to be proactive when keeping your stress levels down during crunch time! Here are a few suggestions for managing and relieving stress.


1.) WRITE!

Okay, this might seem like a selfish promotion for our org, but seriously writing does reduce stress levels. Keeping a journal or banging out some creative articles and joining a club like Her Campus will allow you to keep those creative juices flowing, and get school off the brain for a little while.


2.) Get active

Especially during a stressful time of year, you should be getting at least thirty minutes of exercise per day. The nights are getting warm, too, so taking a walk with friends after dinner is a nice way to decompress.


3.) Stay in the present

Though probably easier said than done, it is important to take your workload day by day rather than worrying about things far off in the future, or those which are out of your control. Plan ahead and avoid procrastination—but what’s equally important is focusing on the here and now to reduce stress levels.


4.) Take “mental health” breaks

After an hour or so of productivity, set your work aside and do something else. This will allow you to clear your mind, and will improve your focus when you sit down to work again. Your “mental health break” could mean watching an episode on Netflix, cooking something, hanging out with friends, or even just taking a long, hot shower.


5.) Progressive muscle relaxation

This is one of my favorite things to do before I go to sleep. Tightly clench different muscle groups in your body, then release the tension as you breathe deeply to feel the stress exit your body. This will help you get comfortable as you drift off.



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Hi, my name is Molly! I'm currently the Co-President and a Campus Correspondent for Bentley University's HC chapter. 
Bentley University