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11 Ways to Stay Healthy at Uni

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

11 Ways To Stay Healthy At Uni


You’ve moved away from home and out of under your mum’s protective eye. Catered halls, drinks, clubs, exam stress, and all nighters can take a toll on you. Don’t let the usual problems set you up for failure!


1.) Fresher’s Flu is a real thing.

Everybody gets sick during Fresher’s week. Some of us have it for months. Try your best not to spread it and take care of yourself best as possible. Checking in early one night might actually do you some good!


2.) The Freshman 15 doesn’t have to be.

We all know the dreaded “Freshman 15” exists, but it doesn’t have to affect you. Just be careful of the empty calories of alcohol.


3.) Speaking of weight, start by maintaining a healthy diet.

Just because you’re an adult now doesn’t mean sweets for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try incorporating healthy foods, even if just once a day. Your body will thank you!


4.) Dining halls only SEEM like Satan’s buffet.

Surprisingly, you can make healthy choices even in catered halls. Who knew the salad bar actually existed right behind the main course section?


5.) Squeeze in some movement here and there.

You don’t have to train like an Olympic athlete to stay healthy. Even just walking from class to class is already physical activity, so go for it!


6.) A little party never killed nobody.

Just because you’re at university doesn’t mean you have to stay in all the time. Going out every now and then might even lift your spirits!


7.) Mental health is important too.

Take breaks as necessary. If you’ve been cramming for exams and are near breaking point, don’t be afraid to stop for the night. Your health is more important than any grades.


8.) Soak up the sun, whenever it decides to come out.

Lack of vitamin D has been linked to poor physical AND mental health. Especially in places like Aberdeen, snatch that sun the minute it shows up!


9.) Consider investing in vitamins.

No joke. It may just be easier to supplement when desperately in need.


10.) Register for a GP.

This goes out to all the Freshers. You’ve been given the opportunity, now use it.


10.) S-L-E-E-P.

This is absolutely invaluable. You’ll probably never have this much free time again, so swoop those zzZZZ’s as they come. Just don’t miss your important classes…or fall asleep in those!


11.) Remember Uni is about experiences and making memories.

You don’t have to be constantly preoccupied with studies and proper self-maintenance. As long as you feel good and no one’s questioning you, be confident in your choices. These are the best years of your life; don’t drown them out with worry!

Just a confused dreamer with her head in the clouds and sarcastic humor to spare. Also, BuzzFeed, if you're a hirin' I'm readily desirin'
Laura Rennie is currently a fifth year Diploma in Legal Practice student at the University of Aberdeen. After four years studying in the Granite City she couldn't quite drag herself away from it so decided to stick around for one more year. Previously a features writer and secretary of Her Campus Aberdeen when it was founded, she is now very excited to be captaining the little pink ship this year. She loves cups of tea, fairy lights, musicals, trashy TV and is a blogger and member of Her Campus Blogger Network in her spare time.