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Take Yourself Out On A Date With These 15 Fall Solo Activities

Now that National Boyfriend Day has officially passed, it’s time for the single girlies to shine. During cuffing season, being single can be pretty hard. There’s so much pressure to be in a relationship, especially on social media. And for all the codependent girlies out there, it can feel extremely daunting to go out and do things by yourself. But the best way to challenge yourself is to get out there and take yourself out on a date! I used to be terrified of going places alone because I thought everyone was looking at me and judging me. Now, it’s become my favorite form of self-care. 

The transition from hot girl summer to sad girl autumn can be really difficult. The weather’s getting colder, the days are getting shorter, and schoolwork is feeling overwhelming. Solo dates are one of the best ways to pull yourself out of a slump. Even though many of us suffer from seasonal depression, there’s still so much to look forward to in the fall! You absolutely do not need another person to be able to experience all the fall festivities. Sometimes the perfect date is by yourself!

1. Hot girl walk in the fall foliage

The best thing about living in the northeast, for me, is seeing the leaves change during fall. Taking a hot girl walk through the woods or your local park is one of the best ways to ring in the new season! I love walking in cooler weather — I don’t have to worry about looking like a sweaty mess after my walks. After all, if I were on a date with someone else, there’s no way I’d be able to get through a conversation while exercising. 

2. Watch A Drive-in movie

Drive-ins will never go out of style. If you’re in need of a lazy activity, this date is perfect for you. Drive-ins usually aren’t too crowded either, they’re super underrated and a great place to watch a movie in a new way! Cozy up in your car with a blanket and some snacks for the perfect solo moment.

3. Cozy Up For A Comfort movie night in

The seasonal change is giving Twilight, Harry Potter, Hocus Pocus, and Halloweentown. The minute October 1st hit, the Halloween movies are all that are being played. Snacks are a must (obviously), and TikTok has no shortage of fun fall recipes to choose from. If you really want to make it an experience, baking a little treat like pumpkin bread or muffins will get the house smelling amazing too! An at-home movie night is perfect for everyone in their hibernation era.

4. Go Apple picking

We love a good orchard moment, everyone is really just unbothered doing their own thing. Picking apples and baking fresh apple pie gives me all the fall feels! Throwing on a fall playlist and having a peaceful little outing by yourself is the epitome of fall self-care.

5. Spend A Day At The Pumpkin Patch

Going out and picking pumpkins is such a fun activity to do solo. They’re not too expensive, so it’s perfect for college students on a budget. Pumpkins are so versatile, too! You can carve them (or paint them) and put them out as decoration afterward. Or you can use them for baking, the choice is yours!. 

6. Go For A Hayride

Hayrides are the most wholesome fall activity, and you’ll probably be surrounded by families taking their kids to the orchard. However, it’s a judgment-free zone! Have a little main character moment and dramatically stare off into the distance. 

7. SHop At THe Farmers market

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good summer farmers market, but fall markets just hit different. Whether you’re looking for pumpkins, squash, apples, freshly baked pie, or bread loaves, farmers markets will have you covered. Not only is it a great solo date to go on by yourself, but you’re also helping to support local businesses! 

8. Hit Up A Flea market

Flea markets are so underrated. Not only do they have some of the cutest home decor, they also have a bunch of cheap clothes. Personally, I will be on the lookout for as many fall sweater vests as I can find. It’s grandpa sweater season!

9. Camp Out At A Coffee shop

Fall is the best season when it comes to coffee, hands down. Even if you’re not a pumpkin spice girl, there are so many fun drinks you can try. Starbucks is a classic, but local coffee shops are the real hidden gems of the season. If you’ve never tried a maple spice or brown sugar cinnamon latte, you’re missing out!

10. Make your own candle

If you live in a city, candle-making shops are actually pretty common. Candles can be very hit or miss if you order them online, so taking yourself and picking out your own silly little scents in person is such a vibe. I know I’m not alone in burning through at least a candle a week, so there’s always room for a new one in your collection.

11. Plan A Picnic

I will take any excuse to go to Trader Joe’s and buy every fall item in sight (enter, butternut squash mac and cheese). Solo fall picnics in the park are my absolute favorite, surrounded by the fall leaves and eating my favorite comfort foods. The perks of going by yourself? You don’t have to share food, and you can do your own thing! Bring a book or listen to your favorite podcast, all while enjoying the autumn season. 

12. Try a new restaurant

This one may be something to work your way up to if you have trouble doing things alone. Many people are super intimidated going to restaurants and getting a table for one. With enough practice, it gets a lot easier! Try going somewhere more lowkey and casual first. Takeout is always an option, but going in person really makes it an experience. 

13. DIY Mani-Pedi

As a college student with no spending money, I’m ballin’ on a budget this fall. But for all the financially stable girlies, a new manicure is always a confidence boost. You can get as creative and expressive as you want! Whether you’re getting a neutral shade or an elaborate design, getting your nails done is such a cute fall treat for yourself.

14. Go to a bookstore

While Barnes and Noble is always an option, local bookstores can be the cutest place for your next solo date. Used bookstores are very budget-friendly for college students. BookTok has infiltrated my FYP in every way, so I will take every opportunity to buy a new book. 

15. Go stargazing

For another outdoorsy moment, stargazing is the perfect autumn date. Whether you’re going to the park or even just sitting out on your porch (this is so college), it’s a very healing moment. Hot girls stargaze!

Julia is a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh studying Media and Professional Communications with a minor in Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies. She loves to go thrifting, grab a coffee with friends, and go on walks with her dog!