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Rachel Ratush

PSU '25

Rachel is currently navigating her way through her third year at Pennsylvania State University. Born and raised in picturesque Bucks County, Pennsylvania, She has got a bit of that small-town charm in my roots.
One of her favorite pastimes is delving into the captivating worlds of romantic comedies and mysteries through the pages of books. Rachel finds joy in staying in the loop with the ever-evolving contexts of Generation Z by exploring various social media platforms.
Family and friends are the heartbeat of her life, and she relishes every moment spent with them. Whether it's the comfort of familiar faces or embarking on new adventures together, these connections are what truly matter to her.
Now, here's a quirky tidbit about Rachel: she possess the somewhat unusual talent of reciting any line from the TV show Friends, and it all starts with the first hint of a sentence. Friends isn't just a show to her; it's a personal favorite that has subtly woven its influence into her personality and sense of humor, shaping her in ways she might not even realize. Life is a journey, and Rachel is embracing every twist and turn it brings!